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Join Empire or Stormcloaks? My Thoughts


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There are several farms that are doing very well in Skyrim, mostly in the Rift and Whiterun, but also in Falkreath, and Eastmarch. Of course, there are farms in all of the holds but these are the biggest ones. Much of Skyrim has a temperate climate that would be very good for growing food. Regardless of what other countries are doing, it still took Germany less than 25 years to become a superpower. Sure, at the begining of WWII they did not have as many resources as they needed, but well before 25 years after WWI Germany was threatening to take over the world. And I know that Skyrim does not border the AD at all, but they could launch a surprise attack on the Summerset Isles by sea or just get permission to march their troops through Hammerfell or Cyrodil.


About the Forsworn, the Empire had no intention of letting them gain independence, they were just short of soldiers and therefore unable to reclaim the Reach. Then Ulfric showed up and volunteered to do it in exchange for religious freedom. Then the Empire betrayed him and had him arrested.

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Assuming the Stormcloak can take Solitude, they have all but won the war. They have no interest in "defeating" the Empire, just driving their political (commerce is fine) influence out of Skyrim. Given that the East Empire Company can and will still operate in Windhelm fresh out of a war with the Empire, I don't think the Stormcloaks warring with the Thalmor will make the Empire any more or less comfortable trading with Skyrim. The Stormcloaks are only fighting the Empire because they, the Stormcloaks, assume that the Empire has no interest in warring with the Dominion (whether that assumption is correct is another story). Should the Empire sound the horn for a Tamrielic coalition against the Thalmor within and outside the Empire (whenever that happens), the Stormcloaks may be suspicious, but I doubt they will reject such a call outright. Large grain fields? Have you even played any other Elder Scrolls game? No ES game to my knowledge actually shows such things in-game. The ones in Skyrim are as big as the game world allows... When was Ulfric outvoted?



Correct me if I am wrong, but does the AD even have borders with Skyrim? I thought any fighting would have to go through Cyrodil? In which case the Empire would bear the brunt of any fighting, which would presumably not be good for trade with Skyrim (since the Empire would need those resources internally and/or lose them in war).


As I said in the other post, the terrain in Skyrim doesn't show any hints of being agriculture friendly. It isn't just farms not being visible but a question of where to farm....


Again, the Stormcloaks only want independence because they believe that the Empire no longer wants war with the Dominion. Should open war, as you describe it, break out again, you don't think that the Stormcloaks wouldn't at least consider joining a coalition?

Edited by MidbossVyers
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The Empire going to war with the Dominion would probably split the Stormcloaks. Most would recognize the need for Man to stand together united, while some wouldn't be able to bury their grudge.

At any rate, as a political faction they'd be out of the picture.

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The Empire going to war with the Dominion would probably split the Stormcloaks. Most would recognize the need for Man to stand together united, while some wouldn't be able to bury their grudge.

At any rate, as a political faction they'd be out of the picture.

I think when the AD attacks the Stormcloaks will help the Empire, since the only reason they don't like the Empire is that they surrendered to the Dominion.

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In my first gameplay I've joined with stormcloaks. Not a bad choice but in my opinion is better joining with the Empire for NOT few reason. The Civil war not only weaken the Empire but Skyrim and the Thalmors gain from that. For this reason I always joined to the Empire in all the playthrought that I've made.


Ah, I still remember the sacrifice of Martin Septim for saving the Empire from Oblivion Crisis, one of most epic moment of TESIV. Joining to the Empire means honor his memory of that sacrifice.



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The Empire will be weakened after the Civil war regardless of who wins. If the Stormcloaks win, Skyrim will be able to build up troops free from Thalmor influence, but if the Empire wins the Thalmor will be free to weaken both it and Skyrim further.

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In my first gameplay I've joined with stormcloaks. Not a bad choice but in my opinion is better joining with the Empire for NOT few reason. The Civil war not only weaken the Empire but Skyrim and the Thalmors gain from that. For this reason I always joined to the Empire in all the playthrought that I've made.


Ah, I still remember the sacrifice of Martin Septim for saving the Empire from Oblivion Crisis, one of most epic moment of TESIV. Joining to the Empire means honor his memory of that sacrifice.



Well, if Martin Septim did that, what do you owe the Medes?

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Again, the Stormcloaks only want independence because they believe that the Empire no longer wants war with the Dominion. Should open war, as you describe it, break out again, you don't think that the Stormcloaks wouldn't at least consider joining a coalition?




The main reason is that they don't want to abide by or even pretend to abide by any treaty agreements that adversely affect them.


They might consider a coalition, but there would be a lot of distrust on both sides and it would be nowhere near as strong or effective as if they had stayed loyal.


A historical example would be the War of 1812. The Americans were upset that the British were not letting them trade freely with the French, despite the fact that Britain was at war with France and France had been trying to conquer Europe. So the Americans went to war. Arguably the Americans won in that they got the trade routes open again but if the British hadn't defeated Napoleon, it might have gotten very interesting for the world afterwards.

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Well, I was thinking, near the end of the Han dynasty of China, many feudal lords formed a coalition against the tyrant, Dong Zhuo. In the coalition, many of the members did a lot of posturing saying that their army contributed the most to the coalition. They did eventually defeat Dong Zhuo but, almost immediately afterwards, went on each others' throats.

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