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Sound replacement possible?


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Thanks about the explanation on RESIZE but I already managed to cook music files properly :D

I looked at the XComGame.upk and think that the function that chooses ambience music is hardcoded. I'm testing smuggling additional ambience tracks in existing files but with a "random" node before the looping node.

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Cool! Do you mind sharing some simple steps on how to do it? I've managed to create and cook a couple of music files myself but the game crashes when it tries to play them. I know I should change the resize value and probably some other HEX magic as well to make them work but I don't know where to start, what tools should I use?

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LiQuiD911: That's great, hopefully the random node will work for you. Should do.


TRekNexus: Are you replacing an existing package with the same package name and same cue and sound node names in your replacement package? This should work, but might CTD the first time for the same reason long war does (something about file sizes/contents changing?). Does it start correctly the 2nd time or does it crash repeatedly? I have done this with voice files and had it work, so I don't believe there should be any reason it shouldn't work with music files too. Although, different music nodes are coded differently. Which one are you trying to replace?

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I didn't hexedit anything, just cooked the new files with the UDK

Here are some simple foolpoof steps

1) Get the X-com combattible UDK

2) Open UnrealFrontend.exe

3) Click UnrealEd

4) In the ContentBrowser rightclick and select new SoundNodeWave ( check the "include looping node" box)

5) Make sure you get the package and cue names right if you are replacing a music track


here is an example for replacing the soldier select track

the package is "HQSound_SoldierSelect"

soundnode name is "ReadyForBattleMusic"

the cue is named "ReadyForBattleMusicCue"


mind that the udk sets the cue name to <name>_Cue

you have to remove the underscore by renaming it


just check the right names using UE Explorer in the upk you want to replace


6) Click "import" and select the WAV file which contains your music file (once imported rename it to match the original node, udk will prompt you to replace the existing empty soundnodwave)

7) Save the package and close the udk

:cool: open <install folder>/UDK/UDK-2011-09/UDKGame/Config/UDKEngine.ini

9) find "[Engine.PackagesToAlwaysCook]" and add "SeekFreePackage=<name of your package>"

10) go to the UnrealFrontend and hit "Cook"

11) your files will be cooked to <install folder>/UDK/UDK-2011-09/UDKGame/CookedPC

12) backup and replace the xcom files with the new upks

done! just mind the names

// Reference: SoundCue'HQSound_SoldierSelect.ReadyForBattleMusicCue'

// Reference: SoundNodeWave'SoundReadyForBattleMusic.ReadyForBattleMusic'


It is even easier for battle music,you just follow tracktwo's instructions and cook with any names you want.

Remember to add the new combat music in defaultContent with the structure <package>.<cue name>




ATM I have 25 combat tracks from DeusEx HR, Pacific Rim soldier select and the next thing I'll do is replace the exalt ambience music with McCann's tense infiltration music from Splinter Cell Double Agent :D

Edited by LiQuiD911
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Thanks a lot both youse :D



I'm using your custom track modification to replace the combat music. I think the naming convention is correct: One wav file and one associated cue with names GeoScape1.wav and GeoScape1Cue bundled and cooked into GeoScape1_SF.upk. Referenced in DefaultContent.ini like so:

CombatMusicCues="GeoScape1.GeoScape1Cue". And it crashes repeatedly :/



I didn't know there was a custom X-Com UDK install around, I just used the standard one. Looks like that might be the problem right there! I'll install it, try again, and post back. Great step-by-step btw, thanks for that :)

Edited by TRekNexus
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure only cooked packages from the 2011 UDK that xcom uses will work. I know the format of the sound nodes is slightly different in newer versions, so this could definitely cause crashes. Try with the old version to see if that helps. If not, there might be clues in the launch.txt file that gets dropped in the logs folder. Usually there's a crash message near the bottom.


The other thing is the combat music is not called GeoScape, that's something else. Combat music is the music played in the tactical missions when you are fighting. Customizing combat music doesn't require any fixed naming convention, but it does require applying the upk patch I posted above to enable customization in the .INI file.

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