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To the Moon or Mars


Moon or Mars  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the USA concentrate on?

    • Luna (the Moon)
    • Mars
    • Low Orbit around Terra (the Earth)
    • Give up on the whole space effort
    • Any target will do
    • Have no opinion

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A clarification of my position.


I am only truly interested in colonisation of the moon if it betters the human situation on the Earth somehow, even if it is in the longer run. If it does the opposite or is indifferent, then I would support the focus be on the Earth first.


My strong decision here is between the moon or Mars and the moon wins when it comes to a destination for many reasons as already stated by me.

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Another reason for going to the moon is that it is made of green cheese and we could feed the world's population by catipulting big wheels of green moon cheese to the Earth.


Not really!


Once a moonbase is established we could begin to understand the nature of the world in both a shorter and a longer term process. Studying the moon would allow us to learn more about both the moon and the home world.

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The worst possibility about colonising the moon is that somebody will put a huge advertisement on it that can be seen from Earth.


What would be good would be low gravity sports on the surface of the moon that itself might gain funding for the moon program as such sports might become very popular on Earth, at least for a time.


*High jump

*Football (any code)





What would it be like to do tricks in a large atmosphere filled cavern (carefully sealed of course) such as gymnastics, ballet, acrobatics and so forth. If one had enough water the idea of swimming in low gravity effected water could be most strange and wonderful an experience.


More seriously it could become an ark for life in case the Earth does get far worse in its condition or even dies.

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Without continued space exploration we as a species might go extinct! Resource depletion, overpopulation all of these problems could be solved by continued exploration and development of space. Some people said that ending poverty should be a priority however I would venture to guess that the above reasons stated are significant factors in the cause of poverty. As we spread out into our solar system Earth would become much more wealthy as needed minerals poured in. Another interesting idea could be slowly moving heavy industry off planet as to lessen the strain on the enviroment. Space based industry could funnel the wealth back to Earth and the enviroment could recover. However none of this will happan unless governments or private companies get there act together and start serious planning for missions in space. We don't want to wait until Earth is nearly dead before we realize we should get serious about space.
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The moon, to me, represents the idea of space travel. Space travel in the beginning was just used as bragging rights for Russia or the United States. Now we use it to conduct new experiments, test materials, and bring technology to the places we need it to be. We have tried to go a step above that with the International Space Station, but I think many dream of colonies in space. We look into the atmospheres of Mars and the moon in that frame of mind. The moon would be the stepping stone that could allow us to colonize mars, if it ever comes to be. As humans, we have an innate want to expand our horizons. With our technology though, the moon would be the best target. Going to Mars seems to be beyond our reach for now.
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I voted for luna, but we really need to sort out earth first. There are too many problems right now, why dump more on ourselves with the moon?


The moon itself is hard to colonise. The constant radiation would fry most people and the moon dust would badly damage equipment. But, there are many advantages, like the moons point of eternal light (where aparently, the sun always shines)

and i also agree with what was said before, a UN flag must be the next one to set itself on alien soil.

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