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NPCs causing lag


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For some reason or another, NPCs seem to be stressing my system more than I'd expect. I recently upgraded my graphics card from a GTX 260, and even then, I didn't notice much in terms of FPS increases around NPCs. I'll dip into the 30s-40s when near NPCs, and it kinda hurts.


System specs:


Intel Core i7 920 3.4 GHz

12 GB DDR3-1333 RAM

ATi Radeon HD 5970

Windows 7 Home Premium x64


Disabling Hyperthreading didn't help, and I *think* my .INI file looks good. What could I do to bring FPS up to where I'd expect it to be?

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try disabling all sound - experimentally


could be sound related instead of vid related


D'oh, I forgot all about that possible issue! Trying now; will post results.



Doesn't seem to be sound-related, sadly. That was a good suggestion, though.

Edited by Kodiack
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NPC will kill your processor, I have an GTX285, and I know it.


Try this mod, really helps: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23208


Also check the mods that add/edit Ai packages, like OOO, FCOM, MMM, if they are well installed, load order, etc.


Install Wrye Bash tool also, is a MUST, it will fix a lot of conflicts.


It could be the onboard sound or music, as Fongers suggested, disable them via the Oblvion.ini, by the ingame menu don't help.


Are you using a Hi-resolution texture for the bodies? Try a smaller texture.


Hope this helps!


Bye :happy:

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No luck. I did look around, though, and this issue actually seems to occur across all configurations. o.o I guess I can live with falling to 45 FPS at times, hehe.
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Wow 45 fps, why are you complaining? The human eye can only process about 25fps anyway, so it's not like you would notice ANY difference... i get the max of my monitor (60fps) too when nobody is around and i stare at a blank wall, but flickering lights and npcs really make themselves known and at times drop me down to 12 or 13. And i have not even tested NPC heavy places like Better Cities IC.


But i am interested in helpful solutions as well as i have a similar configuration and similar problems. Only mine are a little worse.


Texture sizes seem not to matter on our machines (and they really shouldn't anyway). I am guessing conflicting background scripts. When i had no mods installed, i was at 60fps no matter what i did or happened. So obviously there must be a problem there somewhere.

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  • 2 months later...

I too have this problem!!


Im running win7 ulti 64bit

12gb ddr3 1600mhz ram

ATI hd5870

intel i7 960 @ 3.2ghz


Stock oblivion, 60+ FPS

With all my mods (LOTS, like 400)

i get 30fps+, but when near enemy or NPC like 5 FPS!!!!!



My idea, the main culprit being mod load order, or big mods like OOO geting in the wway or conflicting with mods like Reneers Guard overhaul ETC

I think, that its a AI or NPC mod somewhere thats outa place and causing havok...

I use wyre bash and BOSS, but still.......


I just turn my Actor draw distance slider ALL the way down and im good!@! Which is shocking for my rig :(

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Try wiping your Oblivion.ini and restarting. The game will recreate the ini and will reinitialize your game graphics. If it shows low on the graphics try again. if you see medium or high you will probably see a huge improvement. This has worked for several people with high end machines. Let me know how it does for you.
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