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Half empty or half full?


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Have you ever gazed at a coffee cup or a water bottle, and noticed the amounts of its contents? Well of course, we do it everyday, but being the excessive, curious creatures we are, we wonder exactly what is the right phrase to describe it at a half way mark. Is it half empty or is it half full?
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It depends on your action. If you are filling a bottle, and stop half the way, it is half full.

If you are drinking from a full bottle (emptying it), and stop half the way, it is half empty. :thumbsup:

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Have you ever gazed at a coffee cup or a water bottle, and noticed the amounts of its contents? Well of course, we do it everyday, but being the excessive, curious creatures we are, we wonder exactly what is the right phrase to describe it at a half way mark. Is it half empty or is it half full?

depends on which angle you are coming from, philosophy or science?

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So you are inclined to find answers about the philosophy of life too... Your question seems to have some interest into psychological insight, I think. This is the way I understood your topic at last.


I would be very concise for the sake of time as I have my cup of coffee waiting for me... somewhere, and I must find it before it's cold.


Well, nothing would be strange here, you can consider by seeing your bottle half full or half empty the optimistic and pessimistic ways in your mindset. By thinking half full you get your hopes up, I'm an optimist one and I go on with that choice.


So, where I've put my half full mug, by the hell... that's the question. :laugh:

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Why is half full always seen as positive? A swimming pool may be half full of savage crocodiles.

Why is half empty always seen as negative? A half empty jerry-can of petrol may mean that your task of filling the car's petrol tank is half done.


From a Buddhist point of view it is not important. What is important is how one deals with the situation, how one responds to it. Positivity or negativity are in us, not in the bottle be in seen as half full or half empty.


Gosh, I sound so wise!

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