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I like them, both :whistling:

Although i havnt listened to Slipknot in a while...


I really cant beleive how many fans Lady Gaga has. I despise her music, and so do most of my friends... but it may just be the genres we like, and those we hate.

Recently, Justin Beiber is being played everywhere, I seiriosly cant stand his voice. Has anyone actually heard him live? he sounds nothing like what he does in his recorded songs... Its unbeleivable, but he actually sound worse :ohmy:

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My mom used to work in sound recording studio when we lived back in Russia. She has worked with celebreties including pretty much the russian version of Brittney Spears. Their sound is crappy. They look ugly without the make up. And there was a joke. A guy manages a sound on a live performance. His girlfriend who really likes the band comes along. The guy asks: Who do you think is in charge here. His girlfriend replies: The performers of course, the guy says: Well if I press this button, they ain't singing any more.
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You must know, all those singers like lady gaga can't really sing. But if you have ever been on a metal concert, you know that most of them really sound like they sound on cd. Even though it's easy to make their noises, most of them really put their heart into the music, not like lady gaga and all those su*kers..
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lol that was the first russian joke i found at least slightly amusing :D dunno i just dont get them usually...


we always hasd bad bands/musicians, however with all the media nower days and autotune ontop its fairly easy to make even the biggest mouthfart a star


then we also have to mind that lots of the music we hear nower days is simple a remade version of older stuff, mostly worse than the original (take "light my fire" lol... even the attempt to redo "the doors" is doomed to make you burn in hell)


and then we have sampling, nothing gainst it in general, many use it wisely but if i look at fluff daddy for example i can only moan in anger... wtf do these morons think? well they prolly dont and only see blinging dollarsigns while they make their "music"

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Justin Beiber and Lady GoGaGa (GaGa) make me feel sick :yucky:


Music is not what it used to be. There are a few good bands out there today that sing with real voices but the majority just sold out for twenty minutes of fame. I don't see anything exciting about r&b, rap or club mixes, they are all computer generated voices to me. Music from the ~80's are some of the best because there was no computer generated voices back then and the songs were real back then as well.

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