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Books and Containers Don't Pause Game


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Hello nexus,

I have been trying to figure out how to make a modification that doesn't pause the game when you loot containers, pick locks, etc.
Basically, there is no pausing in the game unless you hit "start" or "ESC."

But More importantly, it would be nice to have something that can just keep the game going while you read a book.

I would like to feel time pass as I read a book in game because I feel like that is a part of the game time. But when you stop to read a book in the game as it is now. no time passes between beginning to end. So it breaks the immersion.

I also feel like this is simple enough to do without breaking the game, but I just can't figure it out.

I modded "Existential Alchemy" and "The dominating mace of molag bal."

I would also like to make this mod, but I'm facing a wall.

I've already tried analyzing boolean for "book" in the creation kit and Can't find anything. So i'm assuming this mechanism of pausing the game while you loot containers or read books is all the same and just activates when you use those objects.

Maybe there's already a mod like this out there, I don't know. But I do know one thing: that this mod would be incredibly awesome for immersion if done correctly without having to change the entire game.

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Ah I have used that mod before, but that was before the MCM customization.

It might work out, but it's not a replacement for the idea I had prior. My interest still stands, but this would help in the meantime.

I want to know there's a lapse of time that is real to reading. While this sort of helps, I know in the past, I've felt like I was passing too much time with this mod.

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You may be interested in checking out this mod: Living Takes Time

Yeah, I have used this mod before and I didn't like it because it's guessing about how long you pause for.

It's also a pain to calibrate, and there seems to be no way to disable eating and drinking passing time, so I don't think I'll be adding it to my list of mods to use.


So it seems there currently is no modification that does what I am asking:


I want to make a modification that does not pause the game when reading a book. How does one do this? What should I look for? what should I edit in the creation kit.



The mod living takes time is insufficient and will not satisfy my query.

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You'll have to rewrite all of the uis that pause the game into overlays, find some way of reading form data, hook into the game executable somehow to replace calls for menumode with calls to your modded ui, hopefully in such a way that triggers menumode and onmenuopen, onmenuclose functions in Papyrus. Then you'll have to deal with the bugs that are introduced by the game not going to menumode (eg any script that uses wait()) predictably. Once that's done you caj decide how you want to deal with the fact that it will break most mods.
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I've actually spent quite some time looking for existing solutions to that problem. The best lead was a thread of some modder who said by opening the TESV.exe in an editor he found a variable that determined wheter menus pause time or not. I haven't heard of him since.

Edit: It also appeared to make stuff buggy, that's why he didn't share details on it.

Edited by notmyhome
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In the Oblivion.exe that variable would allow game time to pass but it would still pause the game. So you would open your menu and rearrange your gear and close it and hours of game time would have passed, but the game world was still paused. You can accomplish the same thing with scripts without messing with the executable and I don't think that is what the OP wants.

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You'll have to rewrite all of the uis that pause the game into overlays, find some way of reading form data, hook into the game executable somehow to replace calls for menumode with calls to your modded ui, hopefully in such a way that triggers menumode and onmenuopen, onmenuclose functions in Papyrus. Then you'll have to deal with the bugs that are introduced by the game not going to menumode (eg any script that uses wait()) predictably. Once that's done you caj decide how you want to deal with the fact that it will break most mods.

Oh, I see. That answers my question.


I suppose this is not possible then. It must have been a tough decision when they made the game, but I suppose previous elder scrolls games were made this way too, so the menu pause option was the default.


Thanks for answering my question.

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