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A undiscovered side-quest?


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Walking toward Arefu (That's how you spell it, right?) and I pass the baseball field and was wandering aimlessly and I see some raiders, so I figured that I would take them out and gain some EXP and level up before I hit Arefu. But that didn't happen, an older looking male NPC runs up and starts a bit of dialogue\cut-scene and claims that a bomb is about to explode and that I should follow him.


Excited, I started to follow him and was wondering to myself "Whoa! I just discovered a side-quest, I think." and the game crashed... I'm trying to find the same area (Didn't save like I wanted to) and I just can't seem to find the trigger\cause.


Is this a random occurrence or is it something new?


Anyone know what I'm talking about?

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This is just a random event. You'll run into them quite often. My previous character seemed almost guaranteed to encounter an exploding wastelander on travelling to Jury Street Metro Station. They always ran away before she could disarm them. Guess a little blonde twin-tailed girl with an alien blaster's just that scary. :teehee:
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Above Anchorage War Memorial, there once were some free slaves that was fighting with some wastelanders over a fridge in the middle. I kept out of the fight to see who won and maybe kill them and check what was inside the fridge. The Slaves won, and they were well armed, and told me to stay away when I cam too close to them and the fridge. There was some kind of water dispute, and probably water in the fridge. Is this also another random encounter, coz I didn't meet them this time when I played it?
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Yup, also a random. Though I personally don't see the point in arguing over my water, but ok


Well, ya, but I think the idea is that good water is supposed to be scarce so people would be protective of it if they had a big store of it. Although, really, it isn't that hard to find. And how silly is it that they have it in a fridge plunked down in the middle of wherever in the Wasteland? You think they'd be carrying it instead of advertising their cache in a large container like that. :laugh:

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I actually disarmed him once... but ONLY once... normally it goes BOOM!! and yes... if you are looking at him when he blows up...for some reason it causes a graphics crash.. bummer...but if he runs away or you fail and he is about to blow anyways.. look away fast.. and run. if he blows then.. behind you.. never seems to crash.. just a weird glitch I guess..
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