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- Days Premium Credit?


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Is it because I had a longer subscription that I have a few days extra or...is their some faulty reason behind this? Lol, can I have a debt at nexus :teehee:? I can still download via premium..and have all benefits yet..etcetc. I can't renew it right now, I'm low on cash and will have to wait till next month :thumbsup:. It started with -0 a few days ago and now it is on -2!


In elaboration to the whole thing as I can recall you'd like to know what the system is doing. I had a 3 months subscription and appeared to have received a warning 3 minutes before its expiration. Or a day and three minutes :tongue: ..I can't say as it didn't expire. I thought I would get it a bit earlier, like a week? (or that could've been with a years-subscription...I can't recall the topic.) It's fun that the forum version said that I paid until 04.03am yesterday.


This is a short version of the mail:

Package Purchased: 3 Months - Premium Membership

Package Expires: Today, 02:03 AM


Another note is that I can't select any other subscriptions either...just a renewal of three months.


Ah, it's fixed as of today. Except for the - days credit part :P.

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Is it because I had a longer subscription that I have a few days extra or...is their some faulty reason behind this? Lol, can I have a debt at nexus :teehee:?

Pay up or the mods will ban you. :teehee:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't really look at it lately, it's at -18 now : :whistling:

Anything to worry about if I subscribe again tomorrow?

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