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Ok, I reenabled one of the ad networks I switched off. Please continue browsing and let me know if you come across any malicious ads. After exploring enough please come back and let me know if you haven't found a malicious ad as well, please :)
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I havn't had any ad attacks since my last post.



People still use IE? http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif


Grab Firefox and the NoScript Firefox add-on and you should never have problems again.

I use firefox somtimes but I prefer to use IE most of the time.

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After doing some experiments today it would seem that even with just NoScript, practically none of the advertisements even load. Given that IE's restricted zone denies javascript by default, IE-SpyAd would end up preventing the ads from loading just the same as if it were blocked by AdBlock Plus or a hosts file, making it impossible to let ads be shown without exposing yourself to risk.


Damned malvertisers ruining it for everyone. It seems the only safe way to support sites you like is to purchase subscriptions, buy through affiliates, or just plain donate.

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Yeah, I've reported several of those to our administrators here already. It was a couple of weeks back, and I hadnt been hit by any of them here, since then.

Tho I've started running my browsers in sandboxie, which quarantines it and any other program running in it, from the rest of my system. Tho I still have the habit of as soon as my page starts to redirect, I reach over and flip the switch on my router, lol. Blip! No more net connection for you!


Darziak- an easy way to capture the URL and neuter the responsible site, is in IE to got to Tools/internet options. click the security tab, then click the icon that says Restricted sites, then click the button that says Sites.

The address of the site in the open window (which should be the site you're getting that screen on!) will be displayed in the next window that pops up. Copy and paste that for reporting purposes. then click the Add button to add it to the list of restricted sites.


Once you've got that taken care of then you can report it here, and to any antispyware sites that you feel appropriate.


IF you dont have your file, edit, view, favorites, tools, and help options up along your top row.... Right click up along the top of the toolbars and put a check mark next to Menu Bar and those menus will be displayed.

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  • 1 month later...

I have now been officially suckerpunched by the malware. :(

I had to reformat the hard drive to get rid of it.

Today while I was on tesnexus, My antivirus blocked yet another attempt by the malware to get to my comuter through your site. I don't want to actually stop coming here, but if this keeps up...

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You realize the same could happen anywhere?


It's not Nexus's fault. Ad networks are the biggest vector for malware attacks. A malvertisement can show up on any site that has ads on it.


It's sad, but because of criminals who put up malware-laden ads to the ad networks (and heck, sometimes even compromise the ad network itself to get there malware through), the only safe way to support a site you like is to donate.

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