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The Soul


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that a soul is not something that can be described well on this side of the dimensional barrier (between life and death)


If it exists at all id say it drives the one thing thing that is lost to consiousness -


imagination :blink:


you know that thing that goes: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " #$# io io io " {}{}{}{a;wo84hgi ?"


and then your like" What the hell wa- wait, wait it all makes sense now! MOOOOOOO"






It makes you laugh... and cry... and gets you into insane asylums



:o This is my serious opinion so I mean it all with all my .... soul :D

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  • 1 month later...

Not to beat a dead horse, but I found this thread during a search that had nothing to do with the possibility of dualism...


First, I'd like to break this down into two basic things:


1) There is a dualism of mind and body




2) There is only the material


Now, cheeta, you say, what about soul? Well, soul is included in the first--dualism--but it really doesn't exist in a materialist standpoint.


Duality expresses the separation of mind (or soul, whatever you want to call it, but for now this works) and body. Mind is the subjective understanding of things, body is the empirical, hands-on learning and doing. Both are hopelessly intertwined, the body sending information to the mind, and vice versa--a kind of heuristical dialectic. But how can this be?


If the body is material, it cannot interact with the immaterial. Material things can only affect other material things. For something concrete to affect something abstract just hasn't been done yet. You can't fist-fight love--except in bad poetry. The thing that is problematic is the locus of the mind/soul--the fatal paradox of dualism: if the mind had a location then it would be material and not immaterial. Location necessitates material existence. However, it is necessary for the mind to be material in order for it to interact with the body. Therefore the mind can't exist separate from the body. Bummer.


Wait a second, before you start thinking I'm Captain Bring-down. Materialism as well is flawed. Consider this: if all things are material (mind/body) then where does perspective come from? Subjectivity is what we use daily, we all [/i]know that we have subjectivity. It's one of the only logical proofs that Descartes proved: I think therefore I am. So, if we are subjective beings in an objective world, where is our subjectivity located? Again the paradox of the locus of subjectivity gives us a sweet mindf*ck.


Just some mental masturbation for ya. I'm sure you've all heard it before.



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  • 8 years later...

Hey! I found this old thread at the bottom of the list and since it was started by Dark0ne him/herself (is it a him or a her I´m not sure anymore) it cannot be banned. I guess this thread predates the ban on religious topics. Do I believe in souls? I do not know whether we have souls or not as there is no scientific evidence for it, BUT I HOPE that we do have one, because that is a requirement for afterlife and I hope there is an afterlife. In the end we will all find out about souls when we die and it would seem like such a waste if all that we are is lost forever in the process. Hence I CHOOSE to believe in souls and afterlife and Near Death Experiences give some subjective evidence of it, but whether to believe it or not is everyones own business.


As for the difinition of a soul, I consider it to be everything that we are mentally. Our memories, thoughts, feelings etc. are all part of the soul.


Oh and please dear religious fanatics, we don´t need your fanaticism here, so don´t hijack this thread.

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As for the difinition of a soul, I consider it to be everything that we are mentally. Our memories, thoughts, feelings etc. are all part of the soul.

I'm imagining the agony of an eternity being me... If I wasn't already dead, after a million years I'd probably want to kill myself. :tongue:

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Good point Ghogiel, but presuming that as an immaterial being you could go anywhere in the Multiverse you like, then perhaps you could live out your eternity exploring the countless universes and alternate realities?
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I belive there is soul

Its material (very small, guantum mechanics style) or immaterial, said soul is the very core of our being, it dose not store memory nor emotions nor anything else but plainly defines us and what desigtions we will make in different situation. Id like to notice that in my perception of soul, said soul can still store in itself some memories, said memories tho must be very important to defining the individual tho, so no memories like i go to store to buy orange.

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Tell me are ppl getting bored these days? Waking up 8 years old threads? Play some Skyrim, lol :biggrin: and read the rules about thread necromancy.


EDIT: oops, did´nt notice that a moderator allready had taken care of the problem. Sorry

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human have an inherent mental ability, in that we see 1 thing, but make it out to be 2 or more things.


this stems from the ability to "see what is not there"

cats use this ability to hunt:

if a mouse hides behind a rock, the cat knows it is there. it cannot see it, but it knows. the cat can even stare at the opposite end of the rock, anticipating the mouse will sneak out in that direction - before it happens:

the cat is "seeing what is not there"


humans use the same ability to create tools, we see a rock, we see a stick, we see fibre ropes: we see a hammer, before it exists.


but, biologically, we are unable to pick and choose when we want to see "what is not there"

as a result, we see tons of stuff that isnt there.

imo, the "soul" is an example. we can all see the physical body, but we imagine extra bodies "nono, theres the body, and theres the body and the body and the body"

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