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I'm beginning to find it harder to hate the Thalmor...


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What i like to know is, Why did the Thalmor Attack Cyrodill, was the White Gold Concordat just an after thought to Ban Talos Worshipers, or was there another reason why the Thalmor just decided to attack Cyrodill

Edited by daventry
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The Thalmor only attacked Cyrodiil as a diversionary tactic to divide the Empires forces and support the real attack in Hammerfell. Their initial success made them commit more to Cyrodiil in a bid to win all at once, a plan which ultimately backfired...


Whatever they wanted was in Hammerfell, and they held the region's they demanded for 6 years before conspicuously turning around and giving up the territories.

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Some of this might have been mentioned, but...


Well, if you want to hate the Thalmor once more. merely research the Great War. More specifically the start. A fine cart-full of heads, no less. Of every Blades agent in Valenwood and the Summerset Isle. This is the faction that served Emperors, and knew the Champion of Cyrodiil and the Nerevarine. People who changed and saved the world. Why would anyone oppose a group who has made such an effort to protect Tamriel?


You could also say they have great jealousy of Tiber Septim/Talos. They want the powers to be god-like, and thus ignorance is born. A perspective, but most certainly a fine opinion.


You could also say that they want the glory themselves.


Strong emphasis on each 'could'. The last thing we want is an over-fueled debate about opinions.

Edited by Svadas
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Why would anyone oppose a group who has made such an effort to protect Tamriel?


Well - if your entire goal is to unfurl known reality, then anyone that's charged themselves with protecting said reality, either entirely or just a particular part within it would immeditately be on your list of "Must emilinate" people.


You'd see them as someone blocking your way - so yeah, you'd be opposed to them as much as they'd be apposed to your plans to undo the very existance they swore to protect.



You could also say that they want the glory themselves.



Of course they do - since they believe that the particular "glory" at stake here was something they once had - divinity. A glory stolen from them that they feel must be reclaimed by any means.

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I have a question that goes along with the current topic. I know that the Thalmor want to destroy all the towers to unmake creation but one of them is the Throat of the World. How do the Thalmor go about destroying an entire mountain, especially one that has dragon trained monks and an actual dragon?


Considering that, at least, the tower in Cyridil is supposed to be indestructable it would be difficult to destroy the Towers...

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The only tower we KNOW still works is Adamantia. Red was deactivated by the Nerevarine, Orichalic was destroyed by the Yokudans, Crystal was destroyed by the Daedra, and White-Gold was deactivated with the destruction of Amulet of Kings, and the deactivation of Snow-Throat is part of the Alduin prophecy, so it has to be down as of Skyrim.


We're not sure about Tree-Sap, though it isn't moving anymore which isn't the best sign.


At best, the Thalmor had a hand in the fall of Crystal Tower, so the towers have mostly fallen without them.

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Isn´t it theorized that Martin Septim reactivated the Whitegold Tower as incarnation of Akatosh?

Furthermore "Snow Throat" was shown split in half on Alduin´s wall, even if that is an allusion to the civil war, with the wars end the tower would function again, right?

After all it isn´t the first time the Nords aren´t united.

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Isn´t it theorized that Martin Septim reactivated the Whitegold Tower as incarnation of Akatosh?



I've never heard that one... though it is technically possible, all he'd need to do is superimpose a new Stone over the destruction of CHIM-el Adabal. Which, you know, isn't hard to do when you mantle a Time-Dragon. It would also explain why the Tower is so crucial to Umbriel's attempts to enter Mundus.




Furthermore "Snow Throat" was shown split in half on Alduin´s wall, even if that is an allusion to the civil war, with the wars end the tower would function again, right?


It may also be an allusion to the fact that Snow-Throat's peak is only 'Half there'. A literal tower may have once stood on top of the Mountain, and was later cast down when the Nords committed their little genocide. We've also been told that the Stone of Snow-Throat is 'The Cave', though we aren't entirely sure what that means (except it's not Blackreach). The line of succession in Skyrim doesn't really have anything to do with it, it was simply another component of the prophecy.


Personally, since The Cave is linked to Shor, i think it's the Nords worship of Talos and not their REAL god which deactivated the tower.




After all it isn´t the first time the Nords aren´t united.


Oh my no. The Nords fight like an old married couple. There were multiple wars amongst Holds even under the Septim Empire, there was the War of Succession in the 1st Era, then the Allessian Schism, the Solitude Conquests... Really, this whole Civil War thing is only new because the Empire is the focus, and its not just some petty war between Jarls.

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