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I'm beginning to find it harder to hate the Thalmor...


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Upon the departure of the et'Ada after the creation on Mundus, Akatosh arranged a meeting of the remaining Aedra outside aurbic time. The purpose of this meeting was to decide Lorkhan's punishment for his involvement in the creation of the mortal plane.[OOG 2]

The outcome of the Convention was to separate Lorkhan from his divine heart. Trinimac tore out Lorkhan's heart and Auri-El fastened it to an arrow and shot it into the sea where Red Mountain eventually formed.[2]

The Heart of Lorkhan granted Mundus with a special kind of divinity and allowed Auri-El and the remaining et'Ada to leave without it becoming unraveled. The et'Ada who remained either died or eventually degenerated into the Ehlnofey, the progenitors of man and mer

Actually just found that in the wiki, if it is legit, than it would have been the "true" Akatosh and not a case of manteling, making it believable that he may have left an alternative way to reach immortality. Why did not just all of the et´ada leave with them anyway?

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Well, Auri'el-that-is, Akatosh, Alkosh, Tosh'raka etc. Are all part of the same Aedra, the Aka-Rusk, just viewed through different cultural lenses and possibly representing different Mantles and Time-Concepts...


I've also been reading latterly that the Monomyth may in fact depict a time BEFORE the Aubris, and is an echo of Anu's existence before he began his new Dream...


But yeah, there are ways to escape, and the primary difference between the Chimer and Altmer is that the Former strive for soethong better than they had, while the Altmer (and particularly the Thalmor) think their former existence is good enough.

Edited by Lachdonin
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I become increasingly sympathetic to the Thalmor too. Not because I agree with their policies. I'm sympathetic and joined them with a mod (the Aldmeri Dominion strengthened) because someone said they remind them of Zionist so I joined them. In case your wondering I'm a real-life Zionist (not Jewish by the way Agonistic) so I joined them for that reason and reflect this by using a human character who works as an agent for the Thalmor like Gissur. Also Altmer women aren't too bad looking and remain will remain youthful throughout your life, so might score some if you work for the Dominion. Also evil is just so sexy and fun and those Thalmor jackets and armor are "swag".


Really? Reminds you of zionists? They remind me off nazis to be honest. They think they're superior in every way to the other races and seek to destroy everyone who worships talos. The inquisitors are nothing but nazi razzias, seeking to wipe out anyone from a specific religion.


Nah, the Stormcloaks remind me of Zionist. The reason I brought up the comparison between the Thalmor and Zionist is that I stumbled upon this white power website when looking up Skyrim mods. Curious to see how a supremacist group thinks I ventured in their forums about Skyrim (how it pooped up in my search results). There I found them whining that the Elves reminded them to much of the Jews and that the Thalmor are Zionist and that they should kill all Jews (these guys failed to realize the irony of complaining about a supremacist group on a supremacist group website). So its more out of a desire to sub-consciously troll these guys.

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A simple end to this debate is that mundus will unravel itself eventually. As death was created. Death is the end of a cycle, but with that also the enforcement that all things must end. The Thalmor are interlopers who seek to bring about an unnatural end. Or perhaps the natural end. Or perhaps Alduin was to be the natural end, and you screwed it all up. But what does it matter, worlds begin and worlds end, the Eternal shall live on if strong enough or be torn to shreds at the end of the world.

The Dwemer prove with their disappearance that endless study on a concept brings the world no closer to an answer, regardless of whether they succeeded or not they are no longer a part of Tamriel... they are no longer a part of Mundus... they may be dead. In another plane of oblivion, or perhaps they are just.... gone.

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The Dwemer prove with their disappearance that endless study on a concept brings the world no closer to an answer, regardless of whether they succeeded or not they are no longer a part of Tamriel... they are no longer a part of Mundus... they may be dead. In another plane of oblivion, or perhaps they are just.... gone.

No, no, they're still on Mundis... In pieces, since we kinda blew up the Numidium to end the Warp in the West. The Dwemer became it's Golden Skin, joining together to form a God in an attempt to escape. And they failed.

Edited by Lachdonin
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Really? I thought we basically weren't sure what happened, or even if they actually became the skin of Numidium. But then, I'm still confused by terms like "misunderstoodistance", and other Kirkbride nonsense. :laugh: (I don't dislike Kirkbride, in the slightest -- I think his whole approach is a brilliant take on what might otherwise fall into the trap of standard Tolkienian fantasy -- but the stuff he writes is still completely insane.)


EDIT: Sorry, "misunderstandistance".

Edited by Kestrellius
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The Final Report to Trebonus is the primary source of them becoming the Golden, though Kurt has mentioned it in stating that Kagrenac wouldn't have acted rashly when he transformed the Dwemer. It's also supported by Arneil's Endeavour in Skyrim. I do agree though, Kirkbride is more than a little loopy. Which is what makes his stuff so interesting.

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But doesn´t this all boils down to the Thalmor simply taking another uncertain bath to immortality at the possible cost of everything else?

Even if they are sure to succeed, it isn´t as if they would care about the other species, if they aren´t considerate with any others, why should we be with them?

They simply gave up searching for a better solution, as they found a way that helps them and screw all the others or possible consequences.


And are we sure that the really want to kind of "turn back time" and not simply unravel the current world? If the current Mundus gets undone it would after all probably also return everything to a state as if it was before the creation of Mundus.

: Or perhaps the natural end. Or perhaps Alduin was to be the natural end, and you screwed it all up.

Arngeir and Paarthurnax still believe that Alduin will one day return and fullfil his destiny.


Another aspect is that in one of the ingame books is written that Lorkhans body was dragged away by the humans, after his heart was torn out. Which is kind of impossible as humans didn´t even exist yet at the time of the convention. Thus the ancient et´ada probably weren´t as united against Lorkhan as some sources would make us believe. If so there actually was a group that wanted mortality!

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This turns out to be a great reading!)


Here is my little bit: Lets take closer look at a text posted above:


Upon the departure of the et'Ada after the creation on Mundus.....


The Heart of Lorkhan granted Mundus with a special kind of divinity and allowed Auri-El and the remaining et'Ada to leave without it becoming unraveled. The et'Ada who remained either died or eventually degenerated into the Ehlnofey, the progenitors of man and mer


without it becoming unraveled


So the Aedra did not want the world to be destroyed, they just wanted to punish Lorkhan and possibly make sure he wont be back again. For those who want immortality Auriel left his knowledge on how to ascend.

Now, Veloth was the one who followed that path. And this is where deadra strat messing things up, why? Because of their nature? Probably. Or not. Anyway, Thalmor on the other hand is doing exactly the opposite of what aedra whanted in the first place.

Makes sence, or am i missing something (probably missing, i always do, lol)?

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