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Ghosts, poltergeist and friends


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Maybe the alien thing should go into a totaly new thread but yeah its my own theory. However just because our race has evolved with limbs, hands ect doesnt mean another Alien race has done. Our planet is most likely different to their and if they live in a different enviroment then they will have evolved to suit that, such as one of the most evolved things in the sea is the shark yet they look nothing like us. They have no arms or legs and have adapted to breath water. A more advance race could adapt along a totaly different evolution chain to us an hence it would look rather different to what we do.
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When you say Alien, you refer to a number of things, such as a african in Canada...that is an Alien to Canadians... What you should be saying is "I believe there is life on other planets" :P... I strongly agree with you though Rynos, I believe there is life elsewhere, if there wasn't... The Univerise is the biggest waste of space out there :P lol... But ghosts,...only thing i can say is... They just simply don't exist :nazgul: <-- Except for Nazgul...hes alive..yet dead, i dont understand, but he is! :rip: :whistling:
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Part of me agrees with what Rynos said but then i get to thinking :veryangry: Yes thats right thinking lol I am capable of that. Their so much religion in the world that it all had to come from somewhere and most relgion says there is something after death. Such as Heaven and Hell. These theorys had to come from somthing in our past, someone cant have just said there is Heaven and Hell and thats that becase no one would belive him. There fore if Heaven and Hell do exist. So does Limbo. A place between them where you are judged on your actions in life, deciding where you go...Heaven...Or...Hell. I already know where im going \/ lol. Anyhow when people are in limbo. Perhaps thats when we see them as ghosts and spirits. People stuck somewhere between life, and death.

I actually have quite a few other theorys but what the hey, I doubt you would want to hear the mall lol....and if you do, youve got too much spare time on your hands.

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Ok :P, Now since the majority of Canada/Amercia/Britian...and other places...are Catholic/Christan, we are taught from the time we are born about heaven and hell, it's all we know, so it's what we believe and think is right. UNTIL! however, we learn to think on our own, than our own beliefs come in... Since my family isn't catholic or religious at all, I'm not either, but i chose not to be religious because personally in my mind, its all just story telling, makes things rather difficult... If this so called "God" existed, and people doubted his existance, why doesn't he come around every 100 years or so? Than people would start to believe in him. Hes nothing more than a figment of our imagination, like i stated before, if everyone just quits believing in his existance, he would no longer exist, no two ways about it.
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Such as Heaven and Hell. These theorys had to come from somthing in our past, someone cant have just said there is Heaven and Hell and thats that becase no one would belive him.

Actually, you're wrong. Death is not a pleasant subject, even more so if there is nothing after it. So if long ago in the past, someone said "there's a nice afterlife" quite a few people would believe it, simply because its better and more comfortable than the truth. Think of it as an ancient weather myth that just refused to die. And of course if you're going to keep people behaving correctly, Hell is a nice thing to have around. Follow what I say or suffer for eternity. And again, it goes back to people's fears. If the same person who offers a pleasant truth says the only way to reach it, and avoid an even worse fate than nothing, is to follow that religion, guess what people are going to do. And Faust_87 makes a good point, if these people teach their children that their religion is the only "truth" then they're going to believe it. Its hard to overcome years of hearing only one correct answer, as wrong as it may be.


If you want to believe in something more, that's your right, but its hardly the only explanation.


And as for ghosts and stuff, I have yet to see any proof for them that can't be explained by far more normal things. If any of you would like to show me such proof, please do. But until someone does, I'm not convinced.

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I was so sure I died once, true I got really crazy drunk (not for fun, trying to forget) and I think I was poisoned from too much vodka, I laid on my couch and went out like a ton of bricks. Then I was walking down a street, and everything seemed real, I asked sombody passing by me if she wanted to go to my place and get drunk, but she walked right by me! No it's not a joke, She didn't reconize I was there, then I relized in horror I was moving really fast and I wasn't walking or running, it was like I was being propelled, I could look down at the trees and see my whole town, I even pointed out my house, I thought to myself, my god I'm dead! I didn't care I felt so free and good I can't explain, I think it was nirvana. That was some years before I denounced the last thing I ever believed in, but I wont get into religion. It was most likely my brain on a wild trip. The brain is powerfull, more than any computer, we don't understand the upper regions of the human body very well, So our mind could deceive us easily. :sick:
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I'll believe in ghosts when I see one. As for friends, I have proof that they exist, sense I play D&D with them every thursday night. Unless, of course, I'm imagining them all. In which case, I would actually be playing all there characters and the NPCs :huh:


wow. this deep thinking makes my head hurt :mellow:

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