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StarCraft II Anounced!!!!!!!!!&#33


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Starcraft 2 has been announced for release on July 27! :woot:


The first game is the campaign for my favorite race, the terran, which means imma be calling down tha thunder :nuke:



Allready preordered it, and im gonna try and get the collecters edition. any one else hyped for this?



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the collecters edition is 99 USD.


Starcraft is what made rts what it is today, im fine with paying that much =P

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I'll pass. We'll probably be waiting for the second installation for 2 years, by which time the first should have a drastically reduced price anyways. Hell, maybe I'll even wait for the third.


Now, any news on Diablo 3 would be very welcome indeed.

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When looking at places to pre-order it from, I'm only seeing the option to buy the Standard or Collectors edition. I don't see 3 collector editions listed.


EDIT: Ouch!!!



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Lon, The Collectors Edition is for 1 of the 3 campaigns. The other 2 haven't been made yet, it's episodic. Ergo they will no doubt release a collectors edition for the Zerg and Protos campaigns that will cost the same amount of money.
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Pass... What ever happened to those days when you could buy a whole game as a single, inexpensive purchase? Why do I get the feeling that Diablo 3 will be handled in a similar way, where we're shelling out $50 for each act of a 5 act game?
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I have not been keeping up with this game much at all. I just watched some of the videos of the gameplay and a couple of (fairly boring) Battle Reports (rather play than watch).


A thought came across my mind that I think would have been excellent for this kind of game.


Base and Force commanders. In a team-based game of several players against several other players, it would be interesting to have one or two guys handling base-building (economics / strategy) and others managing units (tactics). The base commander highlights a selection of groups and assigns them to team player 1 and control is given over to that player to manage those units. Other units are created and those are then assigned to the next player, etc. As the base begins to expand, more base commanders can then start micromanaging the building of the remote bases.


Pretty-much the exact same game and size of map that SC2 is currently doing but just multiple people controlling multiple aspects.


In a 1 on 1 game, it would be how it is played now, on a 2 on 2 game, it could be split where one builds, the other fights, etc.


I could easily see a airforce, army and naval commanders emerge out of this. That would be awesome to see. Even better if unbalanced where two or three newbies work together against a single pro. Can you imagine the shame an humiliation that could be delivered when 5 guys try to defeat 1 and lose! hahaha.



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