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Does BOSS not work anymore?


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I haven't played Skyrim in only a few months. Started playing again and re-did my mods. I ran BOSS, but it after clicked on "Run Boss" I get the following error:


BOSS GUI.exe has stopped working.

A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.


I uninstalled BOSS and installed the newest version. 2.3.0 now I think it was. I still got the same problem.


I'm going to try out LOOT, I guess. See how that works.


If anyone could give me any insight on both BOSS and LOOT, please do. Should I just switch to LOOT or keep trying to get BOSS to somehow work again?


Thank you.

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The original working title for LOOT was BOSS v3 - it is by the same team that made BOSS. They rewrote BOSS using what they learned making BOSS. It uses a combination of the older BOSS user list and the newer system that looks at what the mod does to determine it's load order.


That said, just like BOSS, LOOT is not perfect - YOU are responsible for the final load order. And LOOT has a function to allow custom changes to your load order.

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