TenShadows Posted August 15, 2014 Share Posted August 15, 2014 So I'm trying to install Requiem, and I'm doing it with Mod Organizer, but now I can't sort it out right to the bottom of the list - or sort out anything at all. There's the "sort" button but it doesn't seem to do anything whatsoever. There's some value called "Priority" which seems to decide what mod goes where, and for Requiem it's 28: if I could get it to a suitably high number, like 5000 or something, it would move right to the bottom and stay there - but I can't figure out how to edit this value. The help function is bloody useless too. Anyone here can help any? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bojanni Posted August 15, 2014 Share Posted August 15, 2014 you can move the esp to where you want it by dragging, then right click on the esp and click lock load order Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
camaro_69_327 Posted August 15, 2014 Share Posted August 15, 2014 (edited) MO is 2 sides....from your explanation you are crossing Sides.... :smile:...See EDIT: The "Sort" button moves Esps on the Right side of MO >>>>> When you are on the [plugins] tab. it will open LOOT and sort your mods for you. The "Priority" part has to to with the <<<<<Left side of MO , this is about INSTALL order not load order. You can use Drag n drop on this side<<only if you have "NO Groups" selected in the drop-down. (bottom center) The drop down has 3 selections... No GroupsCategoriesNexus ID Drag n Drop only works when in NO Groups! So i put it in No Groups , Sort my list of installed mods , Add categories and Groupings to my list...then i switch back to "Catagories" so my list is kinda locked in place... :smile: Screenie of My MO thats all collapsed , it takes 10 screen shots if everything is expanded. ( just did it for a friend). One Expanded shot.. Good luck.... :smile: ============EDIT:..my bad...just noticed the >>>>Right also has "Priority" but i have never used that to move mods for "Load Order" i always use LOOT from outside of MO (newer version) by using the "RUN" and selecting LOOT. The few mods i have had to move , i used the "Meta rules" part of LOOT to do so. Edited August 15, 2014 by camaro_69_327 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ediogracie Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 hey mates... maybe im posting this in the wrong place, im sry for that... im just super desperate trying to play Requiem... im at HOURS trying to fix this problem but i cant handle with this anymore... looks simple but i cant find how to fix it.. i get MO to play Requiem Overhaul, but after hours trying to deal with this new tool, im stuck. My load order is wrong, unofficial skyrim patch is below the unofficial danguard patch, and i just cant do nothing to change it. When i install dawnguard, dragonborn and hearth fire unofficials they automatically turn black lines and get high priority, but when i install skyrym unofficial i cant put it black line and cant change the order above the black lines. plz someone help me to fix this, im getting crazy. btw, sorry for my bad english. and thanks a lot. The screenshot below can explain better my issue.http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img913/5453/woVWz3.jpg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
exmodel Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 (edited) hey mates... maybe im posting this in the wrong place, im sry for that... im just super desperate trying to play Requiem... im at HOURS trying to fix this problem but i cant handle with this anymore... looks simple but i cant find how to fix it.. i get MO to play Requiem Overhaul, but after hours trying to deal with this new tool, im stuck. My load order is wrong, unofficial skyrim patch is below the unofficial danguard patch, and i just cant do nothing to change it. When i install dawnguard, dragonborn and hearth fire unofficials they automatically turn black lines and get high priority, but when i install skyrym unofficial i cant put it black line and cant change the order above the black lines. plz someone help me to fix this, im getting crazy. btw, sorry for my bad english. and thanks a lot. The screenshot below can explain better my issue.http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img913/5453/woVWz3.jpgHey I was just looking for a solution to another problem i was having and saw you post this so i figured i would help since i just had the same problem. You're using an outdated mod organizer. For some reason it lists the older version above the new one on the nexus. Also there is a problem right now with the requiem patcher and the new unofficial patch. The dev is trying to get it sorted out. Now since i updated though, i can't seem to get MO to sort my plugins at all, with LOOT or the built in 'sort' button. It goes through the whole process but the load order doesn't change. Frustrating! Edited June 30, 2015 by exmodel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
0varon Posted June 30, 2015 Share Posted June 30, 2015 (edited) 1. Update MO (you can't update from 1.2.x to 1.3.x, in this case you must install 1.3.x.) *** Backup your MO\dowloads, MO\mods and your MO\preferences folder (your mod lists!) first!! *** Than delete the old MO version. Install the new MO then copy the 3 mentioned folders back.2. Install LOOT (or download LOOT.api and overwrite/update the files in MO\loot folder, this is for the sort button) https://github.com/loot/loot/releases/tag/v0.7.1 3. MO left side: move all Unofficial patches up like that: Unofficial Skyrim PatchUmanaged: DawnguardUnofficial Dawnguard PatchUnmanaged: HearthFiresUnofficial Hearthfire PatchUnmanaged :DragonbornUnofficial Dragonborn Patch Organize mods in categories.Fix all mods with the red exclamation mark. ->e. g. install patches if available (patches below the related mod) (Requiem: check this out: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58099/? and this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58141/?) 4. MO right side:Sort the right side with LOOT (or sort button). Edited July 1, 2015 by 0varon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
qwertyspace Posted July 5, 2015 Share Posted July 5, 2015 Thanks exmodel! The new version does work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
traice Posted July 27, 2015 Share Posted July 27, 2015 Yes thank you! Realized the backwards download list once before in another install and couldn't figure out why I was suddenly having that issue on this install. Just an outdated version. Much kudos Exmodel and good heads up there Ovaron. Went back to Tony971's tutorial in nexus and posted the heads up in comments since there were many others who seemed to stumble on the oversight as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
infinitywolf1 Posted June 11, 2017 Share Posted June 11, 2017 1. Update MO (you can't update from 1.2.x to 1.3.x, in this case you must install 1.3.x.) *** Backup your MO\dowloads, MO\mods and your MO\preferences folder (your mod lists!) first!! *** Than delete the old MO version. Install the new MO then copy the 3 mentioned folders back.2. Install LOOT (or download LOOT.api and overwrite/update the files in MO\loot folder, this is for the sort button) https://github.com/loot/loot/releases/tag/v0.7.1 3. MO left side: move all Unofficial patches up like that: Unofficial Skyrim PatchUmanaged: DawnguardUnofficial Dawnguard PatchUnmanaged: HearthFiresUnofficial Hearthfire PatchUnmanaged :DragonbornUnofficial Dragonborn Patch Organize mods in categories.Fix all mods with the red exclamation mark. ->e. g. install patches if available (patches below the related mod) (Requiem: check this out: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58099/? and this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58141/?) 4. MO right side:Sort the right side with LOOT (or sort button).that did it. thank you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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