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Broke a CM partner


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So I made my first CM partner today. I used eyes, race and hair from MidnightVoyager's beautiful people, and while I was tweaking her inventory TES crashed. when I loaded everything up again I discovered TES could not find any of the CM partner's parts from beautiful people until it had completed loading. So I have to re-enter the race, eyes, and hair each time I load up the file.


when it came to placing her in the game,(TES would sometimes crash when putting her in the render window) I first tried to put her in I room I made, but she wouldn't show up in the room, so then I tried putting her in a tavern. I assume she showed up there because the game crashes when I try to enter the tavern she's in.


What did I do wrong and how can I fix it, or avoid making the same mistake if I have to make the mod over again?


Thank you.

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Well, I'm no expert, but I've had the same problem several times..

It is most likely that one of the files can't properly be loaded, which would indeed show up in the editor, but would crash the game. I found copying these files and renaming them, so they ended up in my own mods folders usually fixed the problem.

To narrow it down, start breaking her down (or a copy atleast). Try it without items or clothing. If this works, that's where the problem lies. If not, give her normal eyes, hair or whatever and try again. When it starts working, you'll know which file to change / import.


Hope this helps :)

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Make sure you have the master file activated as well when you try to load. Also, try to save frequently, especially before doing something big like editing inventories or placing them in cells, cuz the CS can crash just as often as Oblivion can crash.
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Well, I'm no expert, but I've had the same problem several times..

It is most likely that one of the files can't properly be loaded, which would indeed show up in the editor, but would crash the game. I found copying these files and renaming them, so they ended up in my own mods folders usually fixed the problem.

To narrow it down, start breaking her down (or a copy atleast). Try it without items or clothing. If this works, that's where the problem lies. If not, give her normal eyes, hair or whatever and try again. When it starts working, you'll know which file to change / import.


Hope this helps :)


OK the problem is the race, hair and eyes, and I think your solution will work here. But I don't know where to find the objects I need to copy and rename in the object window. where would I find that stuff? Where do people put custom races and hair and eye model/textures?

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Well, for the folders you'd have to go to Oblivion/data/... (takes a bit of looking around, as people tend to include their name or such in the foldername)

In the editor, which would probably be you best shot, goto character->race (or hair/eyes, they're found right below eachother) in the taskbar.

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