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New head mesh for Oblivion


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At the moment we already have pretty good seelction

1. Vanilla heads

2. Ren's variant of Vanilla

3. Sulhwa Saram and Corean head meshes

4. All variations of Head06 by majestic throttlekitty

5. Bella's headmesh


Each of them has some advantages and setbacks and I was wondering if it's worth to start any new project in this respect.

There several main options to proceed:


1. Make Head06 friendly to Facegen Modeleler vie FacegenCustomizer so everyone could make custom head skins for this exlent mesh.

2. Fix lips area of default Facegen Head v.3 (make it more like in Head06) run it through facegen Customizer and convert the resulting model to use inside Oblivion. This in idea could provide results maximaly close to original photo models.

3. ????


What do you think? May be I missed somethning and there are already better solutions.

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  • 6 years later...



At the moment we already have pretty good seelction

1. Vanilla heads

2. Ren's variant of Vanilla

3. Sulhwa Saram and Corean head meshes

4. All variations of Head06 by majestic throttlekitty

5. Bella's headmesh


Each of them has some advantages and setbacks and I was wondering if it's worth to start any new project in this respect.

There several main options to proceed:


1. Make Head06 friendly to Facegen Modeleler vie FacegenCustomizer so everyone could make custom head skins for this exlent mesh.

2. Fix lips area of default Facegen Head v.3 (make it more like in Head06) run it through facegen Customizer and convert the resulting model to use inside Oblivion. This in idea could provide results maximaly close to original photo models.

3. ????


What do you think? May be I missed somethning and there are already better solutions.


Hey there, I am interested in head meshes (or is it textures) that don't look old when you make minor changes in the nose, the eyebrows etc. Do you know where I can find some?

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But Dimitrisgb, that post is 6 years old and no longer valid, specially not after Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 was released, which is based on Blockhead and they are so damn good, that we do not need any more heads as they where not listed above at all. But if anyone makes new heads, they should really base them on Blockhead as it does remake the heads completely and make all vanilla heads looking fantastic, if you ask me... :wink:

Edited by Pellape
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But Dimitrisgb, that post is 6 years old and no longer valid, specially not after Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 was released, which is based on Blockhead and they are so damn good, that we do not need any more heads as they where not listed above at all. But if anyone makes new heads, they should really base them on Blockhead as it does remake the heads completely and make all vanilla heads looking fantastic, if you ask me... :wink:

Thanx for the quick response. So if I want to make new heads, I should use Blockhead? And then create new characters with the Construction Set?

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Actually in terms of heads, Blockhead just opens up some possibilities that aren't available in vanilla Oblivion.


In vanilla males and females of a race use the same head mesh ... Blockhead allows different head meshes for male and for females. Blockhead also allows you to assign head meshes on a PerNPC basis, which allows even more variance between individual NPCs than you could achieve through head shape slider adjustment alone.


Oblivion Character Overhaul was developed to use Blockhead's abilities (in fact Nuska and shadeMe worked in tandem during initial development of Blockhead).


On it's own Blockhead is just a framework that mods can use (though may of it's abilities don't require more than asset resources to be assigned using it's naming and folder rules).

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Actually in terms of heads, Blockhead just opens up some possibilities that aren't available in vanilla Oblivion.


In vanilla males and females of a race use the same head mesh ... Blockhead allows different head meshes for male and for females. Blockhead also allows you to assign head meshes on a PerNPC basis, which allows even more variance between individual NPCs than you could achieve through head shape slider adjustment alone.


Oblivion Character Overhaul was developed to use Blockhead's abilities (in fact Nuska and shadeMe worked in tandem during initial development of Blockhead).


On it's own Blockhead is just a framework that mods can use (though may of it's abilities don't require more than asset resources to be assigned using it's naming and folder rules).

So, if I make a mod, using blockhead andI want to publish it, will the users have to install blockhead as well?

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If you ask me, yes... Lets do a compare: With and without OCO2, which is one of the most endorced Oblivion mods ever, number 4 I think with 38,910 Endorcements.

Here is my 3 NPC that I have in my project so far and lets see if you can figure out which side is with and without OCO2. Blockhead is a DLL, so it gets loaded all time in both CS and in game.


The Imperial do look the same but a bit more pale... :/ I could darken it a bit more.



So Dimitrisgb, wich side is OCO2? Left or right? :wink:


And beside OCO2, which you should use if you ask me, which changes do you want as it is a very tedious job to remake every NPC and I doubt anyone can make a better job than Nuska did as it is extremely hard to get chars good looking but when I load OCO2 in CS and base my chars after it, it get much easier to get a head to look fantastic.


Make a head in CS and save it without OCO2. Load CS with OCO2 and your head and compare them like I did. :smile: Well do not use an Imperial as they do not change anything... :wink:

Edited by Pellape
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If you ask me, yes... Lets do a compare: With and without OCO2, which is one of the most endorced Oblivion mods ever, number 4 I think with 38,910 Endorcements.


Here is my 3 NPC that I have in my project so far and lets see if you can figure out which side is with and without OCO2. Blockhead is a DLL, so it gets loaded all time in both CS and in game.


The Imperial do look the same but a bit more pale... :/ I could darken it a bit more.




So Dimitrisgb, wich side is OCO2? Left or right? :wink:


And beside OCO2, which you should use if you ask me, which changes do you want as it is a very tedious job to remake every NPC and I doubt anyone can make a better job than Nuska did as it is extremely hard to get chars good looking but when I load OCO2 in CS and base my chars after it, it get much easier to get a head to look fantastic.


Make a head in CS and save it without OCO2. Load CS with OCO2 and your head and compare them like I did. :smile: Well do not use an Imperial as they do not change anything... :wink:

I am interested in making a face, in which I change the eybrows, nose, etc, without affecting the skin. That's my problem.

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Okay. When you make a new char, and you use Generate, to get a new face, the skin color will change as well.


You have 2 tabs in the NPC windows with Face Data.

  1. Face
  2. Face Advanced

If you want CS to crash click Face first, otherwise always click Face Advanced first, as at least it crash here if I go direct to the Face TAB.


The over all skin color is changed with Complexion in the Face TAB and you can Lock it before you Randomize the next face... *Generates a couple of faces* (I test same time as I write) ... Well that didn't worked well, as they do get new skin colors... :/


Faces and Oblivion have been a pain in the butt for 14 years... I remember how furious so many got when we began with this game 2006 and so many felt that they failed to make a good looking char or failed to make good looking NPC's back then. In Morrowind, each head was solid, so it was so easy to find a good looking head from Better Heads.


Hmmm... I think it is best to copy a char which colors you like I guess and edit it some in the Advanced Face TAB only and give it a new ID. I did that with the High Elf in the middle above as he is based on Fathis Ules, the Master Fence and he was perfect in the role of the caretaker in my house. All I did was to change the race from Dark to High Elf, remove the script and save him with a new ID.

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Well, the thing is, there is no Vanilla character that is good looking. The only way to make them good looking is to make them as young as they can be, lower the inner eyebrow, set the outer very high and maybe lower the cheeckbones. That usually helps (but not with Mazkens and Aureals). But I want to make good looking characters without all that procedure. Redguards can be a pain in the butt too...
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