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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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It's just starting to warm up again where I am, in Australia, this Spring has been freezing cold with belting rain which is not normal. We just had a few warm days and now the mosquitos are in full force, my yard is a swarm of the evil little parasites, just taking my dog out for a wee requires me to fully cover up, scarf, beanie and Aeroguard but the filthy mongrels still manage to chomp on me. Had to get my dog protection against Heartworm because of them, and Ticks, $89, thank you very much said the vet as they bent me over lol. Bring back the cold I say, it keeps all the nasties at bay.

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Hey Pagafyr, the climate is whacked for sure, we had extreme drought and heat from 2011/16, extreme as in every summer day was exceeding 40+ deg Celsius it was torturous, every spring day over 30 Celsius, then it just stopped. Now it seems to have swung in the opposite direction, water everywhere and mostly cold, I have never seen snow with my own eyes until recently, not to the extent of snow in the U.S. or U.K. but snow none the less. I am not a weather expert but somethings going on evident with my own eyes, the Sun looks like a big white blob of unpleasant LED type light and not yellow anymore? has me scratching my head, it's a G2 type yellow star and has always been yellow as far as I can remember (since the 70's) :)

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  • 2 months later...

Does AI: artificial Intelligence create without any human text input to it's software?


I don't think so, but I do not really know 100% for sure. I don't think we're at that point yet where AI can truly "think" or "act" by itself without any human input what so ever.


I appreciate you spreading your thoughts. Interesting to read.


Take care friend

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  • 1 year later...

I will never click the Delete Button again. 

I am going to leave my Pagafyr account started more recently for all the senior citizens to see who might like a refreshing twist on just how us people who were like the South Hampton Institute of Technology students in the movie "ACCEPTED". 

The Initials of the Technology School is where it's AT!  Get back into the mood wanna bes!  Check out the South Hampton Institute of Technology Heads!

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It's times like these when I awaken from dream sleep and see the difference between here and there.

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  • 1 month later...

Bet cha you didn't know that the Famous Elvira: Mistress of the Dark made a video game.

You could have become a bit of a Herbologist.  Maybe you could even got a start when you discovered the plants of the video game Elvira : Mistress of the Dark were known to really exist.  That could have led to taking Herbology in college or at least studying more at Hogwarts School for Witches and Wizards.

Making potions in a video game most likely is as close as most video gamers get to involving themself in Herbology though.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

What were you day dreaming about when you were growing up playing pretend that you want to do for real every day?

Myself?  I don't remember yet.  And that's sad.  Because it's probably what keeps waking me up in the morning. 

It might be like a fleeting dream.  The kind we forget the moment we wake up.

I'm grabbing my fleeting dream sleep views every time I wake up now.  After seventy five years I have so many dream recollections in my dream collection journal I am not sure which one it is.

It must be the one that wakes me and is so fleeting it's like a flying pixie.  And is really fast and hard to catch when they are flying around in our dream sleep.

I'll figure out what it is and when I do...  Now that leads to a big question, because I am so old.

What will I do when I do?

My advice to all you people younger than me is... The next time you think of yours I hope you have plenty of time to live out your life enjoying the way you always wanted your way of living life to be.

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