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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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There's no point in posting what I just thought about for about ten minutes. I am becoming so used to machines too. That if I don't get out more and enjoy the Sunshine, morning weather, and stay out all day, afternoon, until night. I will miss the greatest show in the night. Stars shining bright so high above.



Where o where has my little dog gone? Where o where can it be? I might trade my computer in for a puppy!

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Awakened from my sleep

The lightning struck so near


The thunders boom

sent the curtains in

flapping like sails

on a schooner

into the room

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brain Wave Radio : The Mind Antenna.


BWR The Mind Antenna for those who like to listen to a live story teller.


He or she is barely able to keep their audience awake. The last few words I listened to were definitely not worth hanging around for.


I am closing my account with BWR: The Mind Antenna!



We're sorry to see you go. We're having a special. Buy a full years subscription for just ***** and we will guarantee satisfaction or your money back.

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To whom is concerned. There is no such place as BWR: The Mind Antenna.


If there was and they started out serving up good story lines, only then would I be intrigued enough to buy into something like that. A years subscription? I quit it because I rendered the story to a quick end for reasons I thought up.


Nobody I ever knew ever tasted refined sugar in a pastry and didn't like it. Or a lollipop. But when a story keeps starting up in my mind as the lead to the BWR: The Mind Antenna did; if it was supposed to be like a sugar coated donut I would have continued. Problem is the story that kept rising up to my creative thinking soured my opinion of my own thought on the subject.


I started out thinking about characters to enter into the view. Suddenly the character wasn't a hero type because they picked up a weapon too early on, which indicted they were Weak and Stupid.


My experience with the kind of weapon they used was for hunting, not fighting the evil forces. In fact it is one which is used only to get a small fauna to eat. My mind kept going back to what to eat? That ended BWR: The Mind Antenna because all my thoughts kept going back to something like chicken or rabbit.


By the way, wraskele Wabbit makes wreally good noodle soup. Now if I could only get that darn wabbit I could have some.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Temp: 101 @ 3:58 PM.


A big black bird landed on the hot concrete sidewalk curb. It barely touched down and was already taking off only after a second passed. A truck zoomed by and clipped it and broke one of it wings. It flopped around trying to get up on it's claws. A child saw the poor bird and walked over to it. The child was so careful and gently picked up the bird. The boy was able to get it off the hot pavement.


Moving along the lawn in his flipflops the boy took the big black bird to his Mom.


I remember all the moment by moment things that happened. After keeping the bird in a gage for a few days, hand feeding it bits of apple, it died. The boy was sad. Maybe if someone would have cared to suggest it he could have become a veterinarian?


Notes of a child with no friends.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tuesday August 23, 2022.


Around midnight Last night.


The lightning lit up the sky. In less than two seconds the sound of it tearing through the air occurred. I nearly jumped from my bed. The ground near to the East had such a massive amount of Ions the light that came through the window screen was like a flash from a camera bulb held to the eyes.


My breath became slowed. Shallow and sipped. I pondered the power of lightning and worried it might strike so close my senses could be lost in fright. Fearing my body might be rendered empty of life.


After several more bright surges lighting the room's interior the sounds of thunder grew more distant. I began to breath deeply. Counting 1 1000 2 1000 3 1000 until the times I counted assured me the lightning bolts were further away. I felt safety return. My tensed muscles began to gain slack. Comfort restored I closed by eyes and headed to sleep.


I was drifting away along the river of dream in my little row boat. A splash of light got into my sight and ripped me out of my moment of tender bliss. The lightning had come back around. The clouds filled with Ions were back and attacked so close I felt the air blasted through the windows screen. I sat up shaking in my skin.


I fathomed I might want to move to another place quickly. Willing my body to get out of bed made me feel even more uncomfortable. The air filled the room making it seem like the house was breathing. Suspicious as a knight sensing the air moving because of night walkers rushing toward the camp nearly silent save for the air moving each time they did and stop when they stopped.


I grabbed the spirit orb. Held it up to the window. It did not get fogged from the breeze. It was just the forces of lightning again and again. I put the clear crystal ball back in it's place. For a second I felt Merlin's touch. His face appeared as the orb settled on the stand.


Don't hurry, don't worry, relax.


Aye. Aye! And so it was the demon's fled. Merlin faded out from the crystal. Back to his own time. Lightning grew more distant and I returned to my rest in my bed. I slept.


A cabin appeared in my dream. Nearly in shambles. Lumber sagging where the wood rotted away from the binding links. I recognized the place I was from. I wanted to stay. I awakened instead. I thought it a good omen to be reminded I was from such a grand house. Maybe I will find a place and build it anew. I thanked the ancestors.


Whatever was weakening me before causing me to sleep and seeing passing illusions stopped. Rain fell outside the house. Freshening the air, refilling the soil, and reviving the flora with a needed drink and bath. I felt at ease and rested until dawn as the lightning was finally gone.

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