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Moral Dilemma: Joining the Dark Brotherhood


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While the dark brother hood story is interesting (and killing them is not so much) there is simply no way to morally justify killing for money (which is basically what Astrid's group does) or killing for the sole purpose of appeasing some corpse. Sure Grelod was mean and abusive but that's not the reason the dark brotherhood would have killed her. The dark brotherhood will kill anyone as long as the contract is payed. Man, woman, innocent or criminal, no one is safe.


Bam! Hit that nail on the head. The dark brotherhood assassins are not like the assassins from Assassin's Creed in terms of morality. (And, judging from the incompetent nincompoops that Astrid keeps sending out after me, nowhere near as well-trained.)


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I always thought that the dark brotherhood never killed anyone who isn't a jerk on some level; after all, who would put a contract out on someone who didn't deserve it? But after reading this thread and thinking about it some more, I realized how dumb that is. One of the minor contracts is a mine boss in Dawnstar who is in fierce competition with her ex-husband over the local mine industry. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who performed the Black Sacrament against her. Even if she was a cruel and impatient boss, she certainly didn't deserve death. Also, when I was sent to kill Ma'randru-jo in the caravans, I decided to look up his character in the UESP wiki, since I am always hesitant to kill a fellow khajiit. (except that captive khajiit in the abandoned shack. No rapist will avoid my justice!) . The page said that he often behaves rudely, but for some reason, he was always nice to me, and greeted me like a friend. So I always felt like the lowest of scum whenever I had to go through with this contract.

The final reason I decided to reject the Dark Brotherhood is the wedding assassination. Yes, it's one of the funnest quests in the game, but there's something inherently horrible about killing a bride on her wedding day and putting the groom in even more misery. (since he was still grieving for his sister, and all.) Not to mention, the political implications; a woman heavily connected to the empire and a man whose family strongly supports the stormcloaks, and one of them is murdered? Sounds suspicious to me. And why help fuel a civil war that's only succeeding in helping the thalmor get closer to world domination? Yeah, no thanks.

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So sad that the good side has such pathetic rewards and quests though... They should have made it more like a detective quest where you spoil the assassination of the emperor or something.


What a fantastic idea! Someone please make a mod like that! I would do it if I knew how to use the CK and mod worth anything.


Don't tell me it can't be done. There's a quest in the vanilla game, I believe it's called "Blood on the Ice", where you investigate a slasher murder, track down the murderer (there's a red herring -you can get the wrong guy arrested) and, if you're quick enough, prevent another murder by taking out the murderer. Just apply that to tracking down DB members, foiling their assignments by either killing the assassin or taking them prisoner (beat them to the bleed-out state, then accept their surrender.)

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Late to the party, I suppose, but I do understand the sort of moral paranoia (no offense) the OP is experiencing. Been through a fair amount of it myself. The best way I can put it is that you are not your character. The moral choice in-universe would be to destroy the DB, I think, barring some sort of grandiose project to reorganize them into dedicated assassins for your new empire. But that doesn't affect you out-of-universe, because you're creating a fictional character, in a sub-universe relative to ours, and having him do stuff.

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Got to be honest when I say that thwarting the assassination of the Emperor would probably be the biggest mistake one could make. Empire has done nothing but disappear under his leadership (and his fathers before him). If the Empire is to survive, it needs a new way of thinking.

Edited by fraquar
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You do realise that killing the emperor will put the bastards that want him dead into power and not necessarily someone better?


@nudedragon begone troll. This is a role playing discussion, don't bring religion into this. The OP had a moral dilemma in his role play, this can happen if you get very into it, so we debated it.

Edited by Valkasha
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You do realise that killing the emperor will put the bastards that want him dead into power and not necessarily someone better?


@nudedragon begone troll. This is a role playing discussion, don't bring religion into this. The OP had a moral dilemma in his role play, this can happen if you get very into it, so we debated it.

Ever since I saw a comic about a recently deceased guy going to hell because of the terrible things he did in video games, I can't stop wondering if it's truly wrong to actually do bad things in video games. This has made it very hard for me to choose whenever to join the dark brotherhood or not; I love the questline and the story that goes with it, but I am so afraid of what will happen in the afterlife if I join the brotherhood.


Unlike you, I actually read the OP. This isn't a role playing discussion, you just hijacked the thread.

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