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Flashlight (Metro 2033 Style)


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I have bee poking around for a while and love to play Fallout 3. But after playing Metro 2033...I have come to appreciate the masterful design of their Flashlight. If you have played the game, you know what I am talking about, if not, here you go.


The Flashlight in 2033 is a two part item, a headlamp and a hand crank. Pressing a button, you turn the lamp one and off. Holding the same button brings up the hand crack. The light can always be used, but by using the hand crank you charge the light making it brighter and illuminating a greater distance. Over time the charge dissipates and the light dims. Very makeshift, VERY post apocalyptic.


Any way, my request is that this be modded into FO3. The light would be composed of two parts, a head piece (the lamp) and a hand piece (the crank). The Lamp would be bound to a key to allow the player to flip it on and off. While the crank would be designed as a weapon and taking one of the quick slots for easy recharge. To charge the lamp, the player would need to equip the crank and press the fire button giving the lamp a charge. The charge would then last say fifteen to thirty minutes. As the lamp discharges, it slowly dims down to it's base level, say that of the pip glow but with some added range. There was also a gauge on the charger that allowed you to see just how much power was left. But you had to raise the charger to look.


I found that in 2033, the choice caused allot of tense moments as I had to choose between my light or shooting something that was attacking me. After all I had to be able to see what I was shooting in the first place. And I feel that this is something the denizens of the wastelands would be able to cobble together them selves.


May be even allowing traders, wanders, and others to have lamps also. Lone dots of light that the player sees as he/she crosses the wastes. Any way this is my thought. I had looked at doing it my self, but I have enough projects on my plate. Thanks for the time and I hope you enjoy the thought.

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  • 2 months later...

well, would definitly be VERY cool... imagine, you are in a creepy tunnel... you hear a sound and take out your flashlight. and BAM! there are 20 ghouls! :O

...or something like that ;)


i like the idea and hope, someone will do it!


maybe even as a new weapon mod kit (if you get the permission of antistar :D)!



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I'm sorry to say I'm not sure how possible this is...The gamebryo engines lighting capabilities are very limited. This is probably the closest thing you'll get to what you want but http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9084. But even to achieve that the creator had to do a work around which is no where as nice as it would be with true light. I'm not sure if you can even change a light source (intensify) in real time with the gamebryo. It makes me sad :sad:
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I'm sorry to say I'm not sure how possible this is...The gamebryo engines lighting capabilities are very limited. This is probably the closest thing you'll get to what you want but http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9084. But even to achieve that the creator had to do a work around which is no where as nice as it would be with true light. I'm not sure if you can even change a light source (intensify) in real time with the gamebryo. It makes me sad :sad:

I believe you can actually animate lights in F3.


The Gamebryo SDK package does have code for directional lights. it would be more correct to say the F3 version of the engine has limited lighting capabilities. < seeing we don't actually have a full SDK and aren't able to implement code into the exe, we are stuck with plugin editing, but i am not a programmer so i don't really know what i am talking about

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Fallout 3's version of gamebryo is limited in lighting*. it makes me sad :sad:. No idea on the animation...worth a shot, If anyone is going to pick this up i guess that's where you would start.
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Have different lights--not animated--that are progressively lighter and swap out one light for the next one every 3-7 second you charge it. Simple. Or, better yet, stack them them so that they overlap, then have each of them disappear in reverse order until it's down to the last one. All you need is a script that starts the animation and timer while you press and hold whatever button it is.
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