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[WIPz] Matth's Projects Thread


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The end of the snout has a weird v shape, and the jaw just is wrong. Eyes should be frontal. Oh, and some teeth.

Anyway, for some reason it looks more nordic if it's not completely anathomically accurate.

Nice work on other stuff.

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The end of the snout has a weird v shape, and the jaw just is wrong. Eyes should be frontal. Oh, and some teeth.

Anyway, for some reason it looks more nordic if it's not completely anathomically accurate.

Nice work on other stuff.

It does look weird from the front, yeah. And it's meant to look Nordic. It's for a Nordic weapon.

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While I am taking a break from going insane getting a particular hobbit door working, and getting the wolf pommel perfect, I finished another piece of my WIP folder: The Minion Cleaver




You are the main black smith of the project right?



Not quite. I am working on the Steel weapon set, ayleid weapon set and iron weapon set. That is a total of 20 or so weapons I believe. However, I am not a part of the BS project any more -- well, not officially anyways. I help them when I can with misc things, like the dragon torch/pit holder. Though some of my other weapon might end up as unique weapons at the BS Cyrodiil release. We'll see!




Streaming the rest of the night. http://www.twitch.tv/matth3d

Some sculpting most likely. We'll see what happens!

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Ought to be a bit more productive and solve this problem more systematically. Doing some wolf head/Canine anatomy study.


First try on this here. Not too happy about it.. But I'll see if I can't turn it into a wolf head with some tweaking! Then I'll try again, and again, and again, until I got the wolf head down.

I might even go for a full body here.



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The Ayleid armor. Sculpt completed, and ready for the long journey ahead! Retopology, UVW, texturing and rigging ahead!



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Steel weapons for Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil!

Iron weapons in the working!




And the whole WIP for the BS project:



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