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Hello all~

My rage, has never been so great, in all of my life!! im so ready to just delete skyrim, and never play it!

I have THIS glitch

the one NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW anything about. Its BAFFLING to me how there is no known fix, that I was able to find. I searched google like a MAD man looking for his SKOOMA fix. it seems NOTHING I DO with shadows in the ini, effects it in ANY way AT all.

I assume its got to be some sort of lighting glitch, or shader issue. I have NO mods installed. default game. I also loaded a game where the issue was no there, and it wasn't, however as I walked around, eventually it appeared out of NO where.

How this is not known, or fixed is just one of those things that BAFFLE me. and makes me just hate Bethesda HORRIBLE, glitchy garbage trash engine.

I've tried All I can. if no one here can aid me in a fix(hope someone can) then I will sadly just delete the game with all my might, and power. and relish in at least that, knowing I got the last laugh on it. and never again will I play a bathesda game, for the rest of my life, no matter where I go, or where I end up. AIOFHASEFWH UI;AWHUIAWFH GAWEUIDFH

Thats how mad I am.

rant is over.......
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UPDATE! it doesnt happen in towns! it will just start to happen out of NO WHERE when walking outside. in the world terrain. and not at first either. I started a new char. and BOOM fixed. then as i was walking around outside, for no apparent reason it just started. ALSO I disabled shadows 100% and it was still there in its full potency. its deff not a shadow. its got to be some sort of shader glitch, or weather/lighting.

Edited by raidon18
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