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SKSE Not Detecting Mods


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But what do you mean with it won't show up? Do you mean the mod is not in the MCM menu? How do you install your mods? Do you use a mod manager?

Also, I mostly manually install my mods. Sometimes, I will use NMM, but not that much. I prefer a manual install. The problems happens when I use NMM and when I do a manual install.

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I must admit this seems like an interesting issue. What happens if you load normal skyrim first without passing through skse

If I load the game with the normal Skyrim launcher, it works, and the only way to get it to show up when I launch Skyrim with skse_loader.exe is to load Skyrim with the normal launcher, load my save, wait a bit, save, exit the game, start the game with skse_loader.exe, and then load that save.

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Alright, this sounds like a pretty easy fix, and everyone thus far has just sort of been batting around the bush instead of diving right in. First, we need more information from you. Once you reply with answers to the following questions, we can begin solving this problem once and for all:


1) How are you installing mods? MO? NMM? Manually?

2) Are you installing SKSE manually or through the mod manager program you answered with above?

3) What do you use to sort your order with? BOSS or LOOT?

4) Have you ever checked for dirty edits and cleaned said dirty edits? (If you don't know what this means, then specify such)

5) Have you ever created a bashed patch using Wrye Bash? If not, then we need to teach you how to do this.


6) Please provide for us a copy of your load order and be sure to use the Spoiler code so you don't spam us with text.


The purpose of these three questions is so that A) we know how you're installing things, because it sounds like you're installing them all wrong, and this will help us teach you the proper way, and B) it will give us an idea what order you installed them in because if SKSE isn't recognizing things, this is because you placed everything in the incorrect order.


EDIT: Also, you need to be using the latest version of SKSE (v1.7.1)

Edited by SkyrimCliff
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Answer to the questions:


My SKSE is up to date.

1: I usually install my mods manually, sometimes with NMM. The problem happens with both, though.

2: I am installing manually. I am 99% sure that I did it correctly, but you never know.

3: Neither. I have LOOT installed but I never really use it because I never have problems. I have tried it, and it didn't resolve the problem.

4: I don't check for dirty edits, but I do know what they are.

5: I have never created a bashed patch. I have heard of it, but I have no clue what it does.

6: Load order is here, copied from NMM:




Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp=1
Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp=1
Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp=1
Contractor Armor.esp=1
Insanity's Shields.esp=1
Equipping Overhaul.esp=1
Beautiful Whiterun.esp=1
Castle Riverwood.esp=1
Bandit Patrols.esp=1
Killable Children.esp=1
Killable Children - Quest Important Protected.esp=1
Naruto - Overhaul.esp=1
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp=1
homes remodeled NON GS.esp=1
Force Unrelenting.esp=1
HDT Physics Weapon Sling.esp=1
Touch Of Force.esp=1
Magic of the Magna-Ge.esp=1
Spectraverse - Increased Spell Power.esp=1
Spectraverse - SkyRe Compatibility Patch.esp=1
The Staff Machine.esp=1
Evil MasterMind Armor.esp=1
Ysolda and Lydia Patch.esp=1
AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp=1
Differently Ebony.esp=1



Thanks for answering.

Edited by Cyphx03
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Answer to the questions:


My SKSE is up to date.

1: I usually install my mods manually, sometimes with NMM. The problem happens with both, though.

2: I am installing manually. I am 99% sure that I did it correctly, but you never know.

3: Neither. I have LOOT installed but I never really use it because I never have problems. I have tried it, and it didn't resolve the problem.

4: I don't check for dirty edits, but I do know what they are.

5: I have never created a bashed patched. I have heard of it, but I have no clue what it does.

6: Load order is here, copied from NMM:



Thanks for answering.



Alright, cool. This is all completely fixable and is super easy. The downside is you're going to have to expand your realm of knowledge-base on Skyrim modding because what once used to work just fine, has now become increasingly more complex as you continue to add more mods, especially dynamic mods/patches (ReProccer.esp), etc.


Step 1: Proper Mod Management


Quick disclaimer before I begin... I can't help you with NMM questions because it is in my humble biased opinion, inferior to Mod Organizer, therefore I stopped using it years ago. I also do not recommend installing everything manually, because once you take that approach, the only way to move stuff around in your install order is to complete delete all of your game folder data, bring it back to vanilla, and then start overwriting files again from scratch, and heaven forbid you make a mistake and need to start all over again...


So what is the solution? Mod Organizer. What makes this mod manager stand apart is that it doesn't alter any vanilla content in your game folders, but instead, installs every mod into its individual folder within MO's "Installed Mods" folder. This means you can change the order of your installs and your plugins on a whim, without worry of having to reinstall stock vanilla Skyrim content due to overwriting and breaking. My humble opinion... download MO, use it, love it, and never look back.


Step 2: Setting up SKSE.




People often under estimate this powerful little tool. They try to treat it just like a mod, but it's really not a mod, and it more akin to the central nervous system of your entire Skyrim experience. People who don't even mod should be using SKSE simply for the sake of everything that it does before you even approach the topic of modding content. It includes fixes to memory issues, game loops, vanilla scripting conflicts, and the list goes on.


The problem is managers don't install it correctly, so you'll have to do this one exclusively on manual. Fortunately, it's pretty darn easy but in order to make sure you have everything where it needs to be and edited correctly, you need to start with a stock Skyrim game folder... and since you said you do much of your stuff manually, I am going to assume you have some conflicts going on or else it would have been working correctly. So delete your skyrim folder and force steam to verify files and let it re-install everything back to square one.


Once you have a clean Skyrim, without mods cluttering and overwriting anything in your root or data folder, you're ready to install one of the few mods that you actually want to do manually in order to insure your base framework is solid.


So here are the steps to installing SKSE.


  1. Go to skse.silverlock.org and download the Installer version of SKSE v1.7.1 (skse_1_07_01_installer.exe)
  2. Place skse_1_07_01_installer into the Skyrim root directory (the main folder that has TESV.exe in it)
  3. Run the Installer. Select the path to your Skyrim Folder, install everything.
  4. Create the SKSE folder and SKSE.ini --> more explained in step 5 & 6
  5. Inside Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data, you need to create a new empty folder called "SKSE"
  6. Inside Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE, you need to create a text file, and rename it SKSE.ini
  7. Open up SKSE.ini and copy in the below text, click save, close and forget.




Note: Never change anything inside this SKSE.ini file. You might see some threads across the internet with people saying to change this or change that, but ignore those people, they're all using information that is literally years out of date. This info effects the built in memory patch that allows Skyrim to utilize your system full memory potential. If you change this, you will break Skyrim, it will not run correctly, and you will be here on the forums asking everyone why your game doesn't work.


Voila, SKSE is now officially installed correctly. Moving forward, if anything tries to overwrite any of these SKSE related files, choose, "No".





Step 3: LOOT, and your Load Order




You think you don't need it, but you really do. It's nearly essential. I'm what you would call a "very advanced skyrim modder" and I don't know what I'd do without it. The problem is much like the reasons why you shouldn't install every mod manually: when you only have like 2-5 basic texture mods, it doesn't really matter what order they're in, but the moment you start using plugins, scripts, framework adjusters, and especially dynamic mods, any small slip in the order of both your installs and your plugins could create utter game breaking results. Such as the case is with you currently.


For instance, you're using SkyRe and ReProccer. But did you know that Reproccer is Dynamic and requires special instructions? For instance, did you run the.jar file that came with it in order to create the SkyProc Patches? Did you know that all dynamic mods like ReProccer MUST be at the end of your load order, unlike your order, which you have ReProccer placed in the middle somewhere, which means even if you did run your .jar file in order to create the SkyProc Patches, they wouldn't have been working and likely would cause instant CTD because they didn't include all of the mods within your load-out, let alone all of the required masters.


I can see a number of improperly ordered mods in your list for example, many of which would have been automatically corrected by taking ten seconds to run your LOOT (which is your safety net to make sure you didn't mess something up).





Step 4: Dirty Edits


To add reaffirmation as to why LOOT is absolutely essential, is because it identifies "dirty edits" and "deleted Navmesh records" that you need to fix before you can expect to play a modded Skyrim without error or CTD. And if you think you don't have any dirty edits or won't ever have to worry about this, then guess again, because vanilla Skyrim comes with dirty edits in the original game files and if someone like Bethesda can screw up and neglect to clean their own vanilla files, what makes you think all of the mod authors on Nexus have always remembered to first clean theirs before uploading?

Short answer. You need to run LOOT to check for load order, and you NEED to identify dirty edits at the same time, which you can clean with TESVEdit. We can go over this at the end once I give you the final checklist of stuff you need to do before me move forward, which will include running LOOT and copy/pasting the Loot report for me to read, so we can identify various problems that need to be cleaned up together.


Step 5: Bashed Patches


Bashed patches are generated by using the Wrye Bash program. Wrye Bash is essential, because it not only can merge conflicting mods, correct leveled lists, fix incorrect ID's, but also fix numerous incompatibilities between mods and plugins. In fact, what you're doing by building a bashed patch, is essentially creating one giant compatibility patch for everything in your load order. Every time you install, or uninstall a mod, you need to build a new fresh bashed patch, so it can once again fix everything that you just changed, and allow them to work together again in harmony.

Short story, if you mod skyrim, bashed patches are required. No buts about it. This is one of the reasons why you're having problems.

Also, you need to make sure that once you generate a bashed patch, that you also push it down to the bottom of your load order, and to make things even more complex, you need to make sure all of your dynamic plugins are loaded AFTER the bashed patch. The reasons for this is because dynamic patches don't function in the same way a mod works, therefore you cannot create a bashed compatibility in the same way. You need the dynamic mods (like your ReProccer.esp) to be loaded AFTER the bashed patch to make sure that when you run the bash, it doesn't try to include them in the bashed patch. Additionally, you want the bashed patch BEFORE the dynamic patches, because when you run the .jar files associated with that particular dynamic mod, you want it to include your mods, and the associated bashed patch.

I know this seems like gibberish but that is the price you pay for wanting to use dynamic mods such as you are in your mod order. This will all become much easier and make more sense down the road, I promise you!

Final Step: Conclusion, and your Checklist


The following is a checklist of what you need to first do before we can continue to help you understand why your game isn't working as intended, and ultimately solve your problem, and many more to come:

  • You're going to hate me, but you should strongly consider wiping your Skyrim game folder and starting fresh.
  • Strongly consider taking the plunge and using Mod Organizer, it's the best, and has an amazing built in tutorial.
  • Download the latest version of LOOT.
  • Run LOOT and have it sort your load order.
  • Copy/Paste the LOOT Report for me to read
  • Download the latest version of TESVEdit in order to correct any potential dirty edits and deleted navmesh records.
  • Download the latest version of Wrye Bash in order to create bashed patches.

Don't try to clean anything or create any bashed patches until we see your LOOT report, and are able to make sure you have everything in the right order, which is critical to have done correctly before you try to created bashed patches, etc.


Now for installing and making sense of all of these programs...


You cant treat TESVEdit, Wrye Bash, or LOOT like mods. You need to treat them like tools, and if you get MO running, you can even add these tools to MO so you can run everything from inside MO as a one-stop shop. best way to do this is create a special Skyrim Programs folder somewhere and use that for installing MO, LOOT, Wrye Bash, TESVEdit, etc. All nice and tidy in one space, all with their separate folders.

If you have trouble, please let me know and I will be happy to produce some screenshots and other tips to help make this painless for you. That's it for now, I look forward to seeing your LOOT report.


Good luck and happy modding!

Edited by SkyrimCliff
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Addendum, in your Mod Organizer UI, top right hand corner, you'll see a big drop-down menu where you can add programs to load Skyrim in. Including SKSE. You'll want to add LOOT, Wrye Bash, and TESVEdit to this dropdown list so you can run it on the fly, and let MO automatically tell it where to go and what to view.

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Addendum, in your Mod Organizer UI, top right hand corner, you'll see a big drop-down menu where you can add programs to load Skyrim in. Including SKSE. You'll want to add LOOT, Wrye Bash, and TESVEdit to this dropdown list so you can run it on the fly, and let MO automatically tell it where to go and what to view.


I got up to the point where I install Wyre Bash. The only problem is, I don't see where I can add it to MO. I see the big dropdown menu, but I don't see where I can add a program to it.


EDIT: NVM, found it.

Edited by Cyphx03
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