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Mod Request Thread


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Just learned the basics of the Construction Set. Made creepy cave dungeon with a few personal touches like a tunnel filled with traps, but also thick smoke so you cant see the traps. Took 18 hours of straight work (most of that was learning). Thank vulk for caffeine pills. Should I publish it? Or is it not worth the time.


As soon as i get the hang of the naming conventions in sets other than caves, I'm gonna start work on a big castle house mod. The idea is to make a true ultimate house for the player. Normally such big projects are beyond the time constraints of many modders, but there's the 7 week summer holiday about to start here (Scotland) so Im gonna have a lot of free time. Suggestions as to things in said castle are welcome.


In other news, a mod to add Sephiroth as a mega boss would be cool. Especially if you could take his sword after you kill him. Just noticed that the F word gets changed if you type it in a post.


And who is Jarlaxle?


WarKirby, Starter of this topic, signing off.

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THANX A LOT YOU FINE MODDERS OUT THERE for letting me and my 3 barely clothed female Combanions fight their wormstaff clones in lingerie midst nudespelled beauty improved npc's.... i am having the best gaming time ever.... Really THANX BIG TIMES....

Now my reqeuest ...



PLEEEAAASE One who already made a dungeon or house or what site ever fill it with the characters from "dungeon of beauty" file downloadable at tessource. And maybe some more beautyful girls... maybe mod races like mystic elves or ainminh too... all friendly... like a girlsclub... a party hall or a guild of beauty or just a nice cave with friendly fine lookin ladies..... I'D BEG YOU::::... How about a modeling contest or a talent award.... I really hope someone capable likes this idea too

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Could anyone make a short skirt or mini skirt for female characters?

The iron armor greaves looks somewhat like a mini skirt.


1. A mod that rebuilds the bruma mages guild hall would be nice (and should be very easy too).

2. I would loved to see some taunts/facial experssions/spoken remarks by my char. like Fable where the taunts where part of how the hero iteracted with NPCs.

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Hi All

Its me Ethereal Nature


Look I have some great ideas but first,

my thanks to Bethesda for making such a great series of games as the Elder Scrolls

and thanks to all those modders out there who are taking the time to make all these changes to an already great game.

now what I would love to see added to the game, and hopefully the oblivion expansion that HAS to come out:


- Cloaks, seperate from the normal armour set-up we have.

- Expanded Territory, like being able to enter the realm of Valenwood.

- MORE CONTENT, I myself am an ex-morrowinder, and i have yet to finish that game. but there is so less amount of content available in Oblivion, i have finished playing Oblivion already, there needs to be more Guilds and Factions, Many Many more Quests and some better kind of conclusion rather than a pat-on-the-back-and-now-get-out-of-the-palace-you-whoreson.

- more variation in the armors, aka you get fur armor at lvl one and as your level increases so does the type of armor, so you get leather etc, but i rekon that the different types of armor should be equiped with different atributes, like glass isnt very strong (not good AC) yet it should be way more manouverable, or mithril lightweight, daedric should have some sort of damage reflection to it, ebony should be the tank warriors armor, elven great for prestege, and helps with archery or sumthing, fur and iron should do diddly squat as they are the starting armor, and mab small change for leather and steel, chan should have an archers penetration (like it has less resistance on penetration yet better resistance for slashing and bludgoning), and dwarvern should be <insert idea here> no....i rekon mab it chould hav a chance of disarming opponents with all the extra things it has on it, and orcish more suited for a barbarian char, there chould also be more verietys of armor and not every single piece should be exactly the same, so there may be more than one kind of model for a steel helmet.


thanks for listening and hey e-mail me if you have any inquires or ideas on mine, or want to actually mod something

Ethereal Nature.

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