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Rival Mod


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Sorry about the delayed update, first couple weeks of a new semester are always hectic. If this qualifies as 'bumping,' I'll be happy to move this into private messages, just let me know.


One possibility for the rival; I've got another I'll add soon.

Thalmor Agent: Trained on the Summerset Isles, this agent is known as a prodigy. He or she excelled in all his or her training, and became the youngest Thalmor agent to date. Accustomed to effortless success in all his or her endeavors, this Altmer drips with confidence, assuming him or herself to be superior to all others. The agent's attitude generated friction between his or herself and superior officers. He or she acted without orders, expecting his or her superiors to adjust their tactics accordingly. Eventually the agent became more trouble than he or she was worth, and was reassigned to a distant hold. Now the agent finds him or herself in Skyrim overlooking the civil war. The Altmer's mission is not to ensure victory for a given side, rather, he or she is expected to make the war costly to the Stormcloaks and Empire both.


Frustrated with the reassignment, the Thalmor agent believes the mission beneath him or herself. He or she finds the Nord lifestyle to be barbaric, and believes their lore to be superstition. Highly skeptical of the Helgen reports, this agent scoffs at all dragon sightings. Shortly after being called to High Hrothgar, he or she confronts the Dragonborn, intending to put the superstitions to rest.


a) Tasting defeat for the first time, the Thalmor Agent becomes obsessed with the Dragonborn. Unable to accept defeat from a 'lesser' being, his or her mission becomes a secondary concern. The agent's only interest is to surpass the Dragonborn in every way, leading him or her to slay dragons, challenge factions the Dragonborn's joined, and duel the Dragonborn.


b) Finding the Dragonborn to be a worthy opponent, the Thalmor Agent lets this adversary live. Interfering whenever the Dragonborn's goals conflict with the Thalmor's, he or she continues to view dueling the Dragonborn as a form of entertainment.

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  • 1 year later...

Reviving! I've looked for such a mod months ago and I was hoping that after some time, a repeatedly requested mod such as this will finally come to life.


I'm thinking of doing a similar feature (via random encounters) to a different mod which likely doesn't cater to most players. Hence, I'd rather someone else do this as a full and complex mod, rather than just another random encounter akin to Dark Brotherhood assassins, muggers, hired thugs, or Miraak cultists.


Someone please make this happen. xD :D

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I agree, the Player needs a more personal enemy.

Alduin wants to destroy the World, so the Player reacts.

The Stormcloaks or Imperials want to stop the other, so the Player gets involved.

Miraak wants to dominate, so the Player intercepts.

Lord Harkon wants to destroy the Sun, so the Player steps in.

The Ebony Warrior wants a challenge & the Player crosses that line.


Other than actions that were already in place, or activated by the Players'

start at playing the scenario of the game, the Player needs someone that

hates HIM / HER for their actions & support. The enemy could walk or ride

from town to town, city to city, to find out what the Dragonborn has done

for the area, can learn that this person trained him/her in pickpocketing, smithing,

etc ... we need a solid enemy, with a story, of why they hate the Dragonborn

& wants to kill them.

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I agree, the Player needs a more personal enemy.

Alduin wants to destroy the World, so the Player reacts.

The Stormcloaks or Imperials want to stop the other, so the Player gets involved.

Miraak wants to dominate, so the Player intercepts.

Lord Harkon wants to destroy the Sun, so the Player steps in.

The Ebony Warrior wants a challenge & the Player crosses that line.


Other than actions that were already in place, or activated by the Players'

start at playing the scenario of the game, the Player needs someone that

hates HIM / HER for their actions & support. The enemy could walk or ride

from town to town, city to city, to find out what the Dragonborn has done

for the area, can learn that this person trained him/her in pickpocketing, smithing,

etc ... we need a solid enemy, with a story, of why they hate the Dragonborn

& wants to kill them.


You sir, are brilliant with selling the idea of a mod. The town to town inquiry if doable sounds great. If you could give the rival say a % chance of acquiring the correct information and therefore the chance of catching up to you or falling behind.

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I really like that idea.I always preferred the fight of two equal guys instead of one guy fighting a giant monster.


I think he should mimic your skills and equipment,him being a sort of Artemis Entreri to you.


The Problem would be his motivations.

He is your father. [Cue Darth Vader music]

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The old Thalmor agent suggestion can work. More or less, what the Thalmor wants is unrest in Skyrim, and what the player does is help ease this unrest little by little. And so the Thalmor sends their agent/assassin to thwart your efforts. Doesn't have to be a High Elf; could be that they discreetly hired someone else. *shrug* Would be interesting if the agent is opposite of your character's gender and/or there is a chance that he/she will be romanceable. lol


I hope this mod idea won't just die as an idea. :3

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