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Stuck in Werewolf form


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Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with an issue I'm having with Werewolf form. I did the quest for Hircine and killed all the hunters, but Sinding won't talk to me and I can't revert back to human form regardless of how long I wait (I waited a week in game) Nothing I do is working and no one has been able to help me so far. This glitch is infuriating, I put a lot of work into this character and I would hate it if I had to start all over again.


So if anyone can help I'd be most grateful.

Edited by Sarus31
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Have you tried going back to a previous save outside the grotto, and playing through it again?


If you don't have a recent-enough save to go back to, you could try a mod like Werewolf Revert Form.


Beyond that, what mods are you running, and have you sorted them with a program like LOOT or BOSS? Maybe some script lag from a demanding or poorly-sorted load order made it glitch. (You can post your load order inside spoiler tags, if it's long.)


Do you have the Unofficial Patches? (which fix a ton of bugs Bethesda didn't have time to)

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I don't have a save before the grotto level unfortunately (been kickin myself for that :pinch:) I tried the "Werewolf Revert Form" mod and sadly that doesn't work. :sad:


I mainly have armour and weapon mods on my game, so I don't have a lot of mods that require scripts (I learnt what happens if you have to many, the hard way lol) So I keep heavy script mods to a minimum.


Unofficial patches? I heard from some people that my particular bug is related to a bug Bethesda never cleaned up, which is odd considering this my first ever encounter with this bug and I've been playing this the game since I bought it in 2011. I'll check those patches out then and see if that does anything, failing that I'll start again with that character (turns out I have a level 1 version of him)


Thanks for the help and suggestions.

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  • 3 years later...

in the mean time open console and try this:


set werewolfshiftbacktime to 0


this will force you to transform back to human


werewolfshiftbacktime = how long you can be in werewolf form (in seconds).


Edit: just noticed the date of op lol, anyways i will leave this info here in case anyone else ever has this problem.

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