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My game is freezing.


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So like the title says, my game is freezing (not CTD, it just completly freeze) at quite an annoying rate. I'm not exactly sure what kind of information you guys need to help me out.


What I can say is the load order has been sorted with LOOT and my game has 0 dirty plugins in it. I'm not 100% sure but i think the freezings occurs only in outside areas.


I've 157 mods total. I'll name mods that directly affect outside areas (This isnt the order in which they're loaded)


RealVision END 262a

Ducks and Swans for skyrim

Extended encounters

Travellers of skyrim

Immersive patrols

Lanterns of skyrim

Skyrim performance PLUS - pine needles FX

Skyrim performance PLUS - rainfall FX

Skyrim performance PLUS - snowfall FX

Enhanced Light and FX + dawnguard/dragon patch + SMIM Meshes

Climate of tamriel + dawnguard/dragon patch + Weather patch

Supreme storms

Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Static Mesh improvement

Cinemate Fire Effects

Betheda Hi-res Vanilla + DLC Optimized

Stable uGridsToLoad

All unofficial patches


My last papyrus log :


Line ?
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:01PM] warning: (8900748C): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2601F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 7 on (8900748C)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:01PM] warning: (FF0011D7): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2601F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 15 on (FF0011D7)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:02PM] warning: (FF0011D7): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2601F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 15 on (FF0011D7)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:02PM] warning: (8900748C): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2601F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 7 on (8900748C)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:03PM] warning: (8900748C): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2601F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 7 on (8900748C)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:04PM] warning: (8900748C): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2601F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 7 on (8900748C)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:05PM] warning: (8900748C): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2601F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 7 on (8900748C)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:06PM] warning: (8900748C): Ref is in an unloaded cell, so it cannot cast spells..
[ (2601F222)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[Active effect 7 on (8900748C)].zbloodnpcbleed.OnHit() - "zBloodNPCbleed.psc" Line ?
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:08PM] RNPC: Periodic update check.
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:14PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (000A7EA9)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (000B78EE)].HelgenRandomSoundScript.OnUpdate() - "HelgenRandomSoundScript.psc" Line 117
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:30PM] VM is freezing...
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:30PM] VM is frozen
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:31PM] Saving game...
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:31PM] VM is thawing...
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:39PM] RNPC: Periodic update check.
[09/07/2014 - 02:05:45PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (000A7EA9)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (000B78EE)].HelgenRandomSoundScript.OnUpdate() - "HelgenRandomSoundScript.psc" Line 117
[09/07/2014 - 02:06:05PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (000A7EA9)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (000B78EE)].HelgenRandomSoundScript.OnUpdate() - "HelgenRandomSoundScript.psc" Line 107
[09/07/2014 - 02:06:07PM] warning: Property xxxsneakTouchOfCalamity on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 2 on (89007497) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/07/2014 - 02:06:07PM] warning: Property xxxsneaktouchofcalamitysneakmessage on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 2 on (89007497) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/07/2014 - 02:06:07PM] warning: Property xxxsneakArcaneAssassin on script xxxMagicSneak attached to Active effect 2 on (89007497) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[09/07/2014 - 02:06:10PM] RNPC: Periodic update check.
[09/07/2014 - 02:06:35PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (000A7EA9)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (000B78EE)].HelgenRandomSoundScript.OnUpdate() - "HelgenRandomSoundScript.psc" Line 117
[09/07/2014 - 02:06:40PM] RNPC: Periodic update check.
[09/07/2014 - 02:07:25PM] Error: (720B85A9): Spell is permanent (e.g. an ability/addiction/disease) and cannot be Cast..
[ (720B85A9)].SPELL.Cast() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].SIC_ReviveMe.OnUpdate() - "SIC_ReviveMe.psc" Line 22
[09/07/2014 - 02:07:34PM] Error: Object reference has no 3D
If you need more informations please ask
thx a lot
Edited by itsbuffy
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Could you post your exact load order as it appears in LOOT? It's best to see it that way.


Also, things like game settings/system specs are helpful too. And, what are your uGridstoLoad set at? I'm assuming you've raised them if you have the stable uGridstoLoad mod.


Another thing, do you have things like SKSE and the SKSE memory patch .ini file edits?

Edited by DaddyDirection
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My last papyrus log :


.......... etc etc


It appears as though you could use a script cleanse. I just posted this on another forum, so might as well quote myself.



Cleaning your save with script cleaner is a good start.


Plus, when you uninstall mods to test which one is breaking your game, you need to run the above script cleaner to wipe out all of the left over garbage inside said save which would have caused the loop to begin with. Just to clarify, removing mods is not enough without removing the leftover files that those removed mods left behind.


Once the script cleaner is open, load the save game you want to clean and make ONLY the following steps:


1) Click the "Open" button in order to load the save game file that you want to clean

2) Click the "Fix All #->" button.

3) Click the "Fix Script Instances" button

4) Click the "Save" button in order to save the newly cleaned file.


Here is a picture of the menu with pointers indicating Step 1-4:




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Freezing is often caused by your VRAM filling up as well as other similar issues that can be solved simply by updating essential components to your game such as the most recent version of SKSE (1.7.1). As DaddyDirection requested, we need to know your computers specs.


1) CPU Power

2) Type of video card + vram, etc details

3) Laptop or Desktop

4) Physical ram

5) Have you made any changes to the papyrus section of your INI's

6) Using the most current version of SKSE (Current build (1.7.1, compatible with runtime*))

7) Please give us your entire load order

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I tried the script cleaner and I went longer without freezing but that could easily have been luck.



Freezing is often caused by your VRAM filling up as well as other similar issues that can be solved simply by updating essential components to your game such as the most recent version of SKSE (1.7.1). As DaddyDirection requested, we need to know your computers specs.


1) CPU Power

2) Type of video card + vram, etc details

3) Laptop or Desktop

4) Physical ram

5) Have you made any changes to the papyrus section of your INI's

6) Using the most current version of SKSE (Current build (1.7.1, compatible with runtime*))

7) Please give us your entire load order


ive an i5-4570 CPU @ 3,20 3.20GHz

8192 MB RAM


I've an AMD Radeon R9 200 series



Ive a desktop


Yes I did some change with the papyrus. Here's my papyrus :















My SKSE is up to date and my video card drivers too.


Complete load order :








Note that essential children and paarthurnax dilemma don't appear twice in my load order I just screenshoted them twice to make sure I dont miss any mods.

Oh and also Im using the performance version of ENB not the full version


And thanks a lot for the help

Edited by itsbuffy
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Alright, I have some suggestions and questions to help understand better what you done, and have not done yet:


But first.... let's fix your papyrus


fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=1000.0 <------ Extends loading time to give you more time to process (1000 is plenty)
iMinMemoryPageSize=128 <------ Never change, SKSE 1.7.1 relies on this variable
iMaxMemoryPageSize=512 <------ Never change, SKSE 1.7.1 relies on this variable
iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=76800 <------ Never increase beyond 76800
bEnableLogging=0 <------ set back to 0
bEnableTrace=0 <------ set back to 0
bLoadDebugInformation=0 <------ set back to 0
bEnableProfiling=0 <------ set back to 0
Second thing you need to do is make sure you have the latest SKSE installed. Just download the installer version, place the exe into your Skyrim folder (where your TESV.exe is located) and run it. The installer should do all of the work for you at this point, no need to install it via MO. Make sure you use v1.7.1 because this version includes all sorts of GREAT updates built right in so you don't have to worry about installing them separate. A list of mods you no longer need since you have SKSE 1.7.1:
Safety Load <----- Officially obsolete with current SKSE build. (yay!)
Skyrim Memory Patch <----- Officially obsolete with SKSE 1.7.1 (yay!)
SSME - Skyrim Startup Memory Editor <----- Officially obsolete with SKSE 1.7.1 (yay!)
And it fixes a few other things too that I can't recall at the top of my head, but suffice to say, you need SKSE v1.7.1 and it will probably solve your freezing problem by itself.
Next, you need a bashed patch Wrye Bash to be compiled before you can compile your ReProccer. Thankfully you're using MO so this is going to be 100 times easier for you to do compared to other people, and thankfully easier to explain.
Create a folder somewhere (I have a special folder just for Skyrim programs such as MO, LOOT, TESVEdit, Wrye Bash, etc) and extract the latest Wrye Bash zip file there. Next go into MO and add the Wrye Bash executable in your dropdown menu at the top right hand side of MO (hopefully you're familiar with it by now, since this is how you run SKSE).
Google search for any number of guides on how to create Bashed patches with the latest version of Wrye Bash.
Once you have created your bashed patch, it's going to be placed into your overwrite folder, so now you need to create a folder in your MO Installed Mod's folder named "bashed patch", go back into MO, refresh, activate this empty folder, and now drag that newly created bashed patch that's sitting in the overwrite over into the bashed patch mod.
Make sure that your bashed patch mod is dragged down to the very bottom of your load order, and then at this point, drag ReProccer down beneath the bashed patch on both your mod install order (left window) AND the plugin order (right window).
Now you need to run your ReProccer in order to create your ReProccer patches. (SkyReProc Patches). Simply right click on the ReProccer.jar file found within your Data Tab (right menu of MO) and click Open/Execute.
Here's a picture of what to look for:


Creating Your SkyProc Patches - Step 1


Creating Your SkyProc Patches - Step 2


Creating Your SkyProc Patches - Step 3


Creating Your SkyProc Patches - Step 4


Creating Your SkyProc Patches - Step 5


Creating Your SkyProc Patches - Step 6


Creating Your SkyProc Patches - Step 7


And.... that's it for now. Go ahead and finish everything up to this point and let me know where you get stuck and I can toss up some more screenshots of whatever.
Good luck and happy modding!
Edited by SkyrimCliff
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Thanks a lot for your help ! I really appreciate.


I'm pretty sure ive already the last SKSE. See screenshot




If for X reason you think I should reinstall it I can do that.


I changed my papyrus settings. they're now exactly like yours. I've uninstalled Stable uGridsToLoad since you told me it was useless with the last SKSE.


I don't know if just changing papyrus can solve my issue ? Probably not I suppose but what do I know :P



As for the rest, I don't know why you think I've MO installed but I do not :(. Maybe because of the screenshots ? Maybe the font is the same as LOOT ? Those SS were taken from LOOT not MO. I've nexus mod manager.

I'm aware of MO existence though and I'm also aware that it's better but I don't feel like the extra perks it offers are actually worth the time I will need to spend to master it. I already spent countless hours on modding/fixing. Unless you're telling me that not having MO is the reason why I'm freezing, I would like to avoid it. Sorry maybe I shouldve said I was running NMM


For some reason, we can see reproccer at the bottom of the load order even though I don't have Reproccer installed according to NMM at least (there's an X next to the mod) but it's still appears. I've no idea why. I didnt installed it/used it because the last time I did ran a patch, my save crashed. If I need to fix armor or weapon stats, I do it manually to my likings in TES5Edit. I don't do any major changes, just very simple things like changing damage or changing something from clothing to light armor.


I never did a bashed patch. It requires skyrim to not be in program files i think and mine is and ive no idea how to move it from there with disrupting everything :/

I guess I should look up for guides.


Thanks again for the help !

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Thanks a lot for your help ! I really appreciate.



I'm pretty sure ive already the last SKSE. See screenshot

If for X reason you think I should reinstall it I can do that.



I changed my papyrus settings. they're now exactly like yours. I've uninstalled Stable uGridsToLoad since you told me it was useless with the last SKSE.

I don't know if just changing papyrus can solve my issue ? Probably not I suppose but what do I know :tongue:



As for the rest, I don't know why you think I've MO installed but I do not :sad:. Maybe because of the screenshots ? Maybe the font is the same as LOOT ? Those SS were taken from LOOT not MO.



For some reason, we can see reproccer at the bottom of the load order even though I don't have Reproccer installed according to NMM at least (there's an X next to the mod) but it's still appears. I've no idea why. I didnt installed it/used it because the last time I did ran a patch, my save crashed. If I need to fix armor or weapon stats, I do it manually to my likings in TES5Edit. I don't do any major changes, just very simple things like changing damage or changing something from clothing to light armor.



I never did a bashed patch. It requires skyrim to not be in program files i think and mine is and ive no idea how to move it from there with disrupting everything :/

I guess I should look up for guides.


Thanks again for the help !


1) It's probably fine, although using the installer inside your game folder again wouldn't hurt, although yeah, probably unnecessary.


2) Excellent about the Papyrus but I made a mistake about 'Stable uGridsToLoad', that one is still needed, and the one that is now obsolete that I was thinking of is the 'Safety Load' mod, which has been since included in SKSE. For the record, I don't use mods for these sort of things, I just toss the item directly into the Data/SKSE/Plugins folder. I'm going to edit the previous post so people don't read that and follow it. (oops!)


3) I have no idea why I thought that either, lol. Sorry about that, you're on your own as far as that stuff goes with NMM then, heh. Sorry!


4) Hmmm, you're telling me the plugin is showing as active?


5) I'm fairly certain you do not need to move the Skyrim, you just have to disable UAC in Windows 7, and/or Run as Administrator. It's an age old trick, been around for years. I never use UAC anyways, its annoying as hell for experienced Windows Users. You really need a bashed patch.


And your welcome



EDIT: Addendum


Without turning off your UAC or moving the game folder, you cannot run SKSE, Wrye Bash or anything else in your game folder. And now that we've figured out you don't have UAC turned off, this is exactly why you're crashing, because you don't have SKSE active because of an enabled UAC.


THUS..... the solution to your problems are almost assuredly SKSE related, aka, you need to disable UAC in Windows 7.

Edited by SkyrimCliff
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Without turning off your UAC or moving the game folder, you cannot run SKSE, Wrye Bash or anything else in your game folder. And now that we've figured out you don't have UAC turned off, this is exactly why you're crashing, because you don't have SKSE active because of an enabled UAC.

THUS..... the solution to your problems are almost assuredly SKSE related, aka, you need to disable UAC in Windows 7.

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