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What do you do when you have too much money?


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In oblivion and similar, I'd spend it on things like enchants, spells, ingredients, and some occasionally overpriced thingy that I added from a mod.


In most MMOs, you may not be able to get more money than god, but often by middle to endgame you have more money than you could ever use short of buying some ridiculously rare thing or blowing it all on crafting components. Many MMOs seem to encourage this by making pretty much all equipment that is even worth having bind on pickup, not be tradeable, or require some excessive bit of camping for untradeable components for an untradeable item. Sure, it makes that equipment seem more worthwhile and prevents people from getting instant power, but it ends up freeing you from having to buy new equipment every few levels. I'd say that the one game where this was most played was Anarchy Online, where pretty much after level 30 you never bought anything except rare nanos or special gears for specific classes that had to be manufactured. By the time I was level 120 or so, I had more money than I knew what to do with, but not enough to buy some of the more ridiculous things, like land for an Org.


The one MMO where I actually had more money than god, was in a game which had a different setup than about 99% of online games out there. The game allowed for virtually unlimited leveling and the ability to directly control characters other than the player (with reduced stats). The game was also strongly based around crafting, with pretty much everything in the game being something that was made. Combined with the ability to make buildings and fit them with things that created an endless supply of materials, it was a system that could be heavily exploited once someone was established enough. I used NPCs to gather and process materials, and built a small empire that would bring in somewhere around 46m coins a day. As I was making everything in house and using controlled NPCs to handle most of the work, the only thing I had to pay for was daily upkeep on the 40 or so properties I owned, which I had done clear through till 2045. Unfortunately, the game is no longer around having taken a few other incarnations, but you get the idea. It can happen, but requires certain things to be in place to allow it and the personal willingness to do so.

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Money is the core around which my favorite MMO, EVE online, revolves.


Money can be made by mining, trading, science, industrialism on planets, mercenary work, or more interesting pursuits like banditry, pillaging, and insurance fraud.


It's all about investment, even if your main careetr is as a merc, you'll often be spending about 70% of your income on ways to get more income.


This is all to do with the unusual advancemtn system: ruches replace experience: the richer you are, the better equipment you have access to, and to the point that you'll get rich, and then spend it all on getting richer. It's a system that makes EVE hugely involving and mentaly stimulating, but at times a bit bamboozling and others, downright spreadsheet warfare.


Usualy speaking you end up with money, money, and money. Spending money for use on ships, ship equipment, ammunition, repairs, cybernetics and skills. Hoarding money for stashing away as emergancy funding should something terrible happen, like the loss of an extremely valuable T-2 vessel. And the ultra rare Spending money, which actualy gets put to recreation. Now the game doesnt actualy demarkate currency into these catergories, but if you dont, you're stuffed.


I spend my Spending Money exploring-buying pretty much any ship takes my interest, not stuff I NEED, but stuff that makes me think "I wonder what those fly like", the result is an enormous ship collection, almost a museum, with 52 playable ships, all battle ready, ranging from couriers and frigates, right up to 900 metre long battleships, the pride of the collection being a Federation Navy Megathron that I got just a few weeks ago.

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In Morrowind and Oblivion I used to leave huge piles of money and precious gemstones around my house/manor. Maybe buy some nice bowls and plates, place them in my bookshelves and fill them with diamonds.


The problem with many games I've played is that when I've become filthy rich, there's nothing worthwhile to spend all that money on since I've already found the best equipment by doing quests et.c.

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In ES games, like Oblivion...



...Im a bit of a magpie, I have a thing for shiney object, whenever I get a horde of gems, I return home and toss them onto a huge communal pile, The result is that I've got a room in my house in Chorrol that is literaly full, from top to bottom, with gems, coins, enchanted gear, gold stuff, jewelery, and thousand's of gems. I do however always SetScale 99 my gems before I put them in the pile, and I dont keep Flawed gems.


But still, thanks to some enemies that always carry a lot of gems, I have a MASSIVE treasure horde. I just like looking at it, it's all sparkly!

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AC2 probably has the worst monetary system I've seen, here I am with 160000+ florins and the only things left to to do with it is buy paintings and hire followers. If the upgrades to Montergerroni had cost ten times more, the assassination side missions and chests would be better appreciated...
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I used to play Anarchy Online. Actually in that game, I hardly ever had enough money, the key is to get one high level character and farm with them so you got enough to supply equipment and stuff for you low levels. In the 150+ range you could easily spend a couple billion credits on just armor. And when you need to upgrade, you have to go through the hassle of trying to resell it before you can buy something higher QL. If you got all the expansions and you just want a high level character fast, I would recommend a Bureucrat, they get powerleveled for free basically because they got an XP bonus ability, and they are solo friendly even with crap gear because pets do the damage. Edited by crimsonedge11
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