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Do you young people (defined as being born 1988-Present) have inherent


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On many multiplayer communities theres a lot of stereotypes about 12-14 year olds. But I need to disagree with it. I myself am 13 and, I don't hack like the stereotype says. I don't glitch. I don't camp. BUT I know where those stereotypes come from. I have a friend who does all of that crap. He hacks. He glitches. He camps. He is 12. I can't stand it :pinch: and now because of him I belive in those "12 year old n00b" stereotypes even though I don't want to.


Now about mods.

There are many very good modders that are still kids. Lets take UK47 for example. He may not be the best of all, but he is sure good. He is only 15. And I agree with Vagrant0 (he always makes good points on debates like this) kids have a lot of free time. I come from school at about 3:30 pm, while my dad comes home at about 7-8 o'clock. I have more time to play. More time to mod and more time to do whatever.

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Your impression is even more wrong... already due to the lack and negation of the own remembrance.

Funny situation. But okay, patronizingly you've launched the 2nd and 3rd privilege of the old...

But sometimes even the younger is wise enough to stop reasoning where there is absolutely no more

platform, the classical generation problem appears on the horizon..

Be it! The ability to learn was never ever the trademark of the age.



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I think that the younger generations have a better ability to deal with technology in the same way that the older ones can deal with other things. How many of today's teens know how to operate a really old television? I was confounded by an early VCR, and I'm just 15. I think that the reason for it is that people tend to be better at what they grew up with. The younger generations are saturated with technology, and the older generations, I dunno. What did you people do when you were kids? I imagine wooden toys and the like, for some reason.
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Your impression is even more wrong... already due to the lack and negation of the own remembrance.

Funny situation. But okay, patronizingly you've launched the 2nd and 3rd privilege of the old...

But sometimes even the younger is wise enough to stop reasoning where there is absolutely no more

platform, the classical generation problem appears on the horizon..

Be it! The ability to learn was never ever the trademark of the age.




That really makes no sense at all. What in the world you mean by lack and negation of the own remembrance, I have no idea, since I already mentioned that I (and many people my age) have a very clear remembrance of times past. It's you who is making sweeping statements such as "The ability to learn was never ever the trademark of the age..(sic)" and "The interesting fact of mental supremacy of youth over adulthood", "only the youth has the ability to absorb special knowledge". I have merely debated with examples of the fact that older people can and do learn new technology, new things. Note that I do not for one moment deny the abilities of young people, I challenge the premise that they are any greater than those of older people. Methods of learning may be different between the generations, but that is not to say that means one is superior over the other. I do not agree to the stereotyping of the youth of today either, otherwise I could not do the work that I do.

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@ub3rman123: We older people actually had to go outside and play with the other kids in the neighborhood. No computers, no electronic games, no cellphones only 3 black and white TV channels. We did things like ride bicycles, play baseball, explore the nearby woods and read books. Social networking meant actually going to see the people in your group and talking to them. I don't remember any overweight kids, we were all too active to get fat. When we did watch TV it was with the entire family - we watched what our parents wanted to see.


It is easier for a kid to pick up new concepts because that is what kids do - everything is new to them anyway so they pick up new technology along with everything else. As you age you become more set in your ways. New concepts are a little harder to grasp for most older people because they have lost the wonder that the kids have. And many oldsters don't want things to change from what they are used to.


I got into computers when I returned to college at 31 in 1978. I already had an electronics background though. I was one of the top three computer science students in my class - one of the other top 3 was a 28 year old woman and the other was a 19 year old math prodigy. We beat out the kids because we paid attention in class. Today, kids are exposed to computers and programming at a much earlier age. But remember, it was us old pharts who invented computers and computer games. We played space war and Colossal cave (Zork) on a Data General Eclipse mainframe. My first game mod was a routine to allow a player to change the gravity constant in space war. It was written in Fortran.

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This whole thread is divisive and ageist, and based on a fallacy.


Hardly. One's ability to absorb information and new things decreases with age; add that to inherent genetic limitations and there will be some profound differences in the ability to acquire new knowledge, particuarly of the computing sort.

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No, it is simply due to the fact that since they have no jobs, few outside concerns, ect that they have the time needed to really learn how to do most of this stuff. The fact that they have had reasonably sophisticated computers around most of their lives, and likely received some exposure to programming in middle/highschool merely helps with this. There is nothing inherent about it, it's all circumstantial.


Disagreed, esp. by means of own experiences as freelancer for Gas Powered Games at the age of 15-18. Retrospectively seen both schooltime and following studies (interrupted here by military service) are indeed a job, a mental one, or working actually would mean learning nothing new but repeating the already known for money until retirement.

Inherence in the matter is thus already given by the fact that only the youth has the ability to absorb special knowledge (important or not doesn't matter) within a short time like a sponge and to develop mushrooming stuff of perhaps just temporarily common interest, the brain of elder people can't, for it has turned to superficiality caused by a necessary and time-consuming social broadband lifestyle (job, family, hobby, society on its different stages etc.) and ... is consequently almost full if one is no candidate for a Nobel Prize, or otherwise we'd better introduce schooltime first after retirement. The interesting fact of mental supremacy of youth over adulthood concerning learning new things isn't that new, for it was ever the case, only the object of juvenile interest has logically changed over the ages - for the generation of my parents, the 68er, it was e.g. politicizing on a high level... ad nauseam.



While yes, people tend to be more apt to learn things at a younger age, I would remind you that the primary reason why older persons don't engage themselves into social networks is not because they can't grasp the concept, but rather that they see absolutely no need for doing so. I would also point out that most persons who you have encountered on this site are infact a rather small minority of the overall teenage population, and simply by virtue of them surviving a month on this site while communicating with others without being promptly banned is a rarity in that. Additionally, just because someone knows how to use a social networking site does not mean they are particularly intelligent. 5 minutes looking at anyone's profile on facebook can prove that assumption false.


It is a long held fallacy that older persons can't learn new things, although there is some loss of plasticity as a person ages, it does not, as you suggest prevent them from learning anything new or disable them from being able to keep up with things. Rather, it is more due to the fact that they no longer care to learn new things or keep up with new technology that they make little effort to do so. Compared to younger people who are always looking out for the new thing so that they can not only show it off to their friends, but also show off how good they are at it, older people simply have better judgment and only put forth that much effort toward things they see as being specifically beneficial to their life instead of doing it just for momentary praise.


I would also remind you that as this all relates to modding. Modding itself takes many hours to not only make a given mod, but many more hours just in learning how to do it. In order to spend that sort of time, there must be some personal interest that supersedes less difficult things. If it were truly something which younger persons had a specific advantage toward, you would see more modders who are between the ages of 8 and 12 who are able to do things far superior to persons age 15-18. However the reality is that most of the mods made by younger persons lack almost all sophistication or purpose. Furthermore, when dealing with things like AI, scripting, and dialogues, many younger modders are totally clueless and unable to understand most of the concepts related to scripting functions and conditions. The reason why you have many very skilled modders at the ages of 18-21 is because these persons have enough mental facility to understand most of the guides, and have the spare time needed to do the sorts of work that is required. Any younger, and certain concepts may be harder to grasp, any older and the amount of time they can spend modding or learning is further restricted. This is also in addition to that bit about the modding community in general being filled with persons who are typically more skilled at using a computer than most of their peers.

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No, it is simply due to the fact that since they have no jobs, few outside concerns, ect that they have the time needed to really learn how to do most of this stuff. The fact that they have had reasonably sophisticated computers around most of their lives, and likely received some exposure to programming in middle/highschool merely helps with this. There is nothing inherent about it, it's all circumstantial.


Disagreed, esp. by means of own experiences as freelancer for Gas Powered Games at the age of 15-18. Retrospectively seen both schooltime and following studies (interrupted here by military service) are indeed a job, a mental one, or working actually would mean learning nothing new but repeating the already known for money until retirement.

Inherence in the matter is thus already given by the fact that only the youth has the ability to absorb special knowledge (important or not doesn't matter) within a short time like a sponge and to develop mushrooming stuff of perhaps just temporarily common interest, the brain of elder people can't, for it has turned to superficiality caused by a necessary and time-consuming social broadband lifestyle (job, family, hobby, society on its different stages etc.) and ... is consequently almost full if one is no candidate for a Nobel Prize, or otherwise we'd better introduce schooltime first after retirement. The interesting fact of mental supremacy of youth over adulthood concerning learning new things isn't that new, for it was ever the case, only the object of juvenile interest has logically changed over the ages - for the generation of my parents, the 68er, it was e.g. politicizing on a high level... ad nauseam.



While yes, people tend to be more apt to learn things at a younger age, I would remind you that the primary reason why older persons don't engage themselves into social networks is not because they can't grasp the concept, but rather that they see absolutely no need for doing so. I would also point out that most persons who you have encountered on this site are infact a rather small minority of the overall teenage population, and simply by virtue of them surviving a month on this site while communicating with others without being promptly banned is a rarity in that. Additionally, just because someone knows how to use a social networking site does not mean they are particularly intelligent. 5 minutes looking at anyone's profile on facebook can prove that assumption false.


It is a long held fallacy that older persons can't learn new things, although there is some loss of plasticity as a person ages, it does not, as you suggest prevent them from learning anything new or disable them from being able to keep up with things. Rather, it is more due to the fact that they no longer care to learn new things or keep up with new technology that they make little effort to do so. Compared to younger people who are always looking out for the new thing so that they can not only show it off to their friends, but also show off how good they are at it, older people simply have better judgment and only put forth that much effort toward things they see as being specifically beneficial to their life instead of doing it just for momentary praise.


I would also remind you that as this all relates to modding. Modding itself takes many hours to not only make a given mod, but many more hours just in learning how to do it. In order to spend that sort of time, there must be some personal interest that supersedes less difficult things. If it were truly something which younger persons had a specific advantage toward, you would see more modders who are between the ages of 8 and 12 who are able to do things far superior to persons age 15-18. However the reality is that most of the mods made by younger persons lack almost all sophistication or purpose. Furthermore, when dealing with things like AI, scripting, and dialogues, many younger modders are totally clueless and unable to understand most of the concepts related to scripting functions and conditions. The reason why you have many very skilled modders at the ages of 18-21 is because these persons have enough mental facility to understand most of the guides, and have the spare time needed to do the sorts of work that is required. Any younger, and certain concepts may be harder to grasp, any older and the amount of time they can spend modding or learning is further restricted. This is also in addition to that bit about the modding community in general being filled with persons who are typically more skilled at using a computer than most of their peers.


Well, you can just call me Tech-Idiot....

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This whole thread is divisive and ageist, and based on a fallacy.


Hardly. One's ability to absorb information and new things decreases with age; add that to inherent genetic limitations and there will be some profound differences in the ability to acquire new knowledge, particuarly of the computing sort.


This is true but not by enough to make any great difference, older people will also have different interests and priorities, they won't spend as much of their free time in front of a PC as younger people will.

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