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Dragons Don't Exist (Main Quest removal)


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While I like mods like "Live Another Life" I feel like it doesn't go far enough in giving you freedom from the main quest line. Some of us would like to play the game not only role playing as someone who isn't a Dragonborn but also in a world where dragons simply don't exist at all!


It might be a bit of a task but I'm surprised that no one yet has tried to come up with a mod that removes the main quest and references by npcs to dragons entirely from the game!


- Helgen could have it's destruction tied to the civil war instead or perhaps left fully in tact.


- Dragon walls don't make the chanty-chanty noise and don't teach the player any shouts.


- All starting triggers and references to the main quest are erased/blocked with no chance of dragons every appearing anywhere.


- Solstheim has no Miirak and all quests associated with Dragons or Dragonborns could be re-routed in different ways.


- Other locations that are usually only accessible via the main quest are made accesible as normal dungeons.




Seriously though... Skyrim makes me sick of dragons... It feels like Skyrim would be a much better game if we could just mod those beasts (and the main quest with it) out the window! Anyone up for making something like this?

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I also like the Live Another Life mod. I have played 2 characters that simply ignored the calling to become Dragonborn by not answering the Greybeards' summons to High Hrothar to learn the way of The Voice.


Using this approach, Word Walls willl still do their thing, but have no practical impact if the character does not expend dragon souls to activate the shouts. Some NPCs and followers may still refer to the character as Dragonborn, but the character can dismiss this as mere superstition. Unfortunately, both the Civil War quest lines (Stormcloak and Imperial) require your character to take care of Whiterun's dragon problem, but the character can go about their business and ignore the main Dragonborn questline after that one dragon. Dragons will still appear on occasion and hang out in dragon lairs, but they do not seem to appear as often as they do when you continue on the Dragonborn questline. I even have Dragon Combat Ovrhaul mod installed, so the few dragons encountered tend to be....nasty, but to each, his own....


If you prefer 0 dragons, The In Your Shadow mod that Weird mic-Al-ov referenced does sound intriguing.

Edited by ScottC12
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There is a mod called Skyrim Unbound available through the Steam Workshop. It allows you to toggle dragons as well as whether or not you are the Dragonborn. It also gives many customizable alternate start options.


If you don't like Steam Workshop, you can download it from the author's website. The link is on the Steam Workshop page.

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Yeah... like I said in the initial post... I'm already using and relying on Live Another Life quite heavily.


That In Your Shadow mod doesn't really look like what I'm after though... It's not so much getting rid of random spawning dragons that I'm looking for... I'm more in the market for totally eradicating the existence and mention of dragons entirely... ESPECIALLY Alduin, Parthanux, etc... as well as wanting to never ever ever ever hear anyone mention having seen dragons or dragon attacks being a point of conversation. Miirak and his dragons also need to bugger off since he makes exploring an intersting new island such a sleepless hassle!


In Your Shadow would fail in the sense that you have to complete part of the main quest involving dragons before you engage it... Live Another Life fails because it has the trigger of "investigating Helgen" that starts you down that tired and familar main quest road.


I'll totally have to look into Skyrim Unbound more when I have a chance... it seems promising... even if it may or may not be a thorough at getting rid of those dragon pests and related quests as I would like...

Edited by Abraxastaroth
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