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Dragon Age anime!


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I don't know what to say but to bring this to your attention. What do you think about this? Good? Bad? Don't know?




One thing to note, anime is a medium not a genre. So I don't think we will see straight haired women who like cute things, mass brute men with spiky hair and huge swords. The majority of anime that we see from the western media is for the 10~14 year olds, so if those who want a crash course in mature anime watch Ghost in The Shell, or some of the more mature anime series like Vampire Knight.


Edit: There are some nice manga that is dark fantasy like Claymore and Basilisk that put DA to shame.






Warning these manga are not suitable for children under 15 as it contains a lot of adult themes, violence etc. Read at your own risk!


Also I don't like anime much but my sibling just named a few of these more mature anime. So I'll thank him for that.

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BioWare were a respectable game developer. Then they got bought by EA. Now they're sell outs like the rest of them. Sad really.


Having said that I'll climb off my high-horse and say I watched the Dead Space "anime" (see: terrible art/animation) and actually enjoyed it. Never played the game as I really dislike horror FPS games, but the anime was interesting enough. I just hope they don't go for that terrible long, thin and gangly art direction like they did in the Dead Space one.

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BioWare were a respectable game developer. Then they got bought by EA. Now they're sell outs like the rest of them. Sad really.


Having said that I'll climb off my high-horse and say I watched the Dead Space "anime" (see: terrible art/animation) and actually enjoyed it. Never played the game as I really dislike horror FPS games, but the anime was interesting enough. I just hope they don't go for that terrible long, thin and gangly art direction like they did in the Dead Space one.


What do you mean that they are sell outs?

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BioWare were a respectable game developer. Then they got bought by EA. Now they're sell outs like the rest of them. Sad really.


Having said that I'll climb off my high-horse and say I watched the Dead Space "anime" (see: terrible art/animation) and actually enjoyed it. Never played the game as I really dislike horror FPS games, but the anime was interesting enough. I just hope they don't go for that terrible long, thin and gangly art direction like they did in the Dead Space one.


What do you mean that they are sell outs?

He means they're trying to profit off of dragon age, squeezing every last drop of revenue off of it.

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There comes a point when the pursuit of more money becomes insulting. Think like the film "BASEketball". Just because you could make a whole range of cuddly toys, lunch boxes and flasks based on your video game doesn't mean you should do it. It demeans the original product.


You don't see Mercedes/BMW/Porsche/Ferrari tacking gold bling spoilers, alloys and rims to their cars just because it would appeal to all the pimps and/or persians do you? Of course not, because if they do that they demean the original product and insult the people who enjoy their brands. Same applies hear. If you sell out too much then you start to alienate the very people who buy your original product.

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So far, their attempts to bring a story about DA outside of DA have been.... Ok, how can I say this and not get myself banned for vulgarity and outrageous profanity? Ah, I think I just did :wink:

They did ONE good subcomic. The one where they expanded on the night before the Morrigan's ritual.

The other comics have been complete and utter garbage. Horrible story line, art that BARELY could even be called professional work, no... I take that back. SHOULDNT be called "professional" at all.


FUNimation is a decent company. They still have to hold at EA's guidelines tho. Which so far... have been swimming around on the surface of the toilet, and need to be flushed.

EA just needs to be flushed. Period.

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There comes a point when the pursuit of more money becomes insulting. Think like the film "BASEketball". Just because you could make a whole range of cuddly toys, lunch boxes and flasks based on your video game doesn't mean you should do it. It demeans the original product.

As much as I agree with you, try telling that to EA! Need I say the Sims1,2 and 3? I figure I've spent over a thousand dollars in Sims2 stuff alone. Thank god for Fallout, DA and now Mass Effect to keep me away from the Sims3. I've only spent around $150 for that series so far. I think EA is one of the most evil of any gameing corporation to sqeeze every last cent out of it's customers--they take milking the cash cow to a whole new level. It just sucks they get involved with games I want to play. Oh well, if the movie is bad, I won't pay 10 bucks to see it and keeping some money out of EA's pockets that way.

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