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Oblivion on a SSD?


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My Oblivion game is heavily modded, especially with high resolution textures etc. I have 6 gb RAM, and use an ATI 4600 with 1 gig ram. Will putting Oblivion on a SSD improve performance a lot? The high res textures I use are the biggest bottleneck I think, and in some area's where FPS drops to an extremely low level, the game often CTD's. Since I have 6 gb RAM, I always supected the CTD's are because too many textures are requested and my system/HD just can't keep up, causing the game to crash. WIll a SSD help concerning this?


So, 2 questions:


1. Will a SSD improve performance on a high res textures modifiied Oblivion?

2. Will a SSD potentially prevent crashes in places where a lot of data needs to be loaded?


Thanks for your time!

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basic operating system (theory) questions




do you believe that decreasing disk access time will improve performance on your game . . .


lessee now


major problems are that un-modded game will use a max of 2mb memory - have seen a mod to FO3 that can change this - no idea if there's one for Obliv.


and increasing video requires increasing video . . . data pipelines are probably gonna max out between secondary storage <=> system memory <=> system cache and video itself



based on a cursory look at the issues


SSD might increase system performance slightly - since I doubt that disk access is the major lag involved.

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Oblivion is known to crash when RAM usage exceeds 1.7 GB. This doesn't happen quickly in an unmodded game, but if you're using large texture overhauls it will happen much faster.


IIRC, the 3 GB patch will decrease RAM related crashes.



You may want to monitor RAM usage while running Oblivion to see if it crashes at 1.7 GB.

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Thank you very much for your replies! I never heard about that 1.7gb limit before, so thanks for that app! Pity that it still only uses 3gb, but it's better than nothing!


No SSD then, I am only interested in FPS and stability improvements.

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