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Padomaic Abyss: An 8 month project


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Now this is indeed looking very interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing where your project goes. A question: will there be any exploration of the more obscure parts of Elder Scrolls lore (e.g. Michael Kirkbride's stuff)? Considering that this'll be set in one of the most mysterious places in Nirn, I imagine such material would fit right in.

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You ask a good question; I've read some of Michael's stuff but am not well-aquainted by any means. If there's time I'll give it a look over and see what might fit. Like I said in the other thread, if you have any suggestions for pieces of lore that could fit I'd be more than happy to hear them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is just outstanding!

May I ask you how many people work on this project and how experienced are they? I'm asking, because everything you have shown so far is definitely high above beginner level, but I'm afraid finishing this project in 8 months, while keeping such quality is not something 1-2 people can do.


Anyway, it looks amazing and I'm definitely rooting for you guys/girls! Keep up the good work! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks very much for the constructive comments everyone! You really help keep the enthusiasm for the work alive :smile:


KorinOo, Thanks very much! It's mainly me with various freelancers popping in and out as needed. You're spot on about the project scope, so we're just releasing "Chapter 1" first. We've had a great deal of planning time so if everything goes according to schedule (There's actually a 5 foot long schedule pinned across my wall) it should be complete by 8th May 2015 :smile:


I've been a bit lax with updating you guys on the progress this past week (or two :blush:) So here's some stuff! I had to scale down the original worldspace as it was too big to fill by myself. The new size will allow much greater control over the atmosphere and player experience.


Please bear in mind this is all still Work In Progress. That having been said it'd be great to get feedback on these shots, and the project in general. Since you're the ones going to be playing I'd like to tailor it to your suggestions where possible :smile:


First up, an impressive imperial galleon created by Phil.D. This is the ship that will bear you to Zir's Maw.





Some shots of a turtle shell cave on the sea floor







A concept and some lighting tests of the coverstone resting on Zir's tomb.







And finally, an obligatory over-the-shoulder shot of the new worldspace





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Haha thanks Bawb :smile: The cave was actually inspired by this concept by Jhonny Yip my friend sent me:


Credit for image: http://johnyip.wordpress.com/2012/08/15/foliage1/


I also have to thank BrettM for his fantastic tutorials on animated textures, without which I wouldn't have managed to get the emmisive maps to pulse. Animated texture tutorials.

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Ummmmm when that galleon gets finished and textured.. please? Can haz?


Actually super seriously, is there anyway I can use it in discworld? Mal River Jayne etc need a better ship to call Serenity :)

Also hot damn man, I really need to find people who can 3d model, I am absolute garbich at it and haven't really found anyone too much better who wants to help for the most part

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