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If you were in Fallout what 3...


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Weapons would you bring?


I would bring a Scoped 44. Revolver, Chinese Assault Rifle, and an Experimental MIRV.


Please do not post DLC weapons because technically I guess they would be spoilers.

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Is WMK addons okay?


If so I'd bring a fully modified Sniper Rifle, a silenced 10mm SMG for close quarters aaand... a combat knife for even closer quarters (I guess that counts as a weapon).


A sniper I am!

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Title is "If you were in Fallout". Hence FO1/2 weapons are fair game XD.


FN FAL -or L1A1 SLR aka the "Stupidly Long Rifle" Semi-auto british version with all these little tweaks so it'll work in a desert- (It was in FO 2 and tactics so GTFO if you don't want it in your thread XD).

A reliable pistol in a common cartridge, the 6520 is a bit bulky as a 10mm and the N99 is horrible, but between the two I'd chose the 6520.

And finally an Ithica 37 in 12ga, because everyone needs a good shotgun.

In short:

-FN FAL (or L1A1 SLR if I can get it, FAL was in FO2 so like it or gtfo)

-Ithica 37 12ga shotgun (FO/FO2 again)

-Colt 6520 (the 10mm pistol, none of this n99 crap)


Overall I'd take a classic loadout over the newer generation stuff.

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Just a sniper rifle, a suicide knife for the worst-case scenario and a trained watchdog ... after being torched numerous times by a dum-dum "Need some help here!" companion :blink:
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Actually the pistol (especially the magnum) would be harder on you than the rifle. :tongue:


I'll take Zhu-Rong, the Perforator, and a sawn-off.

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