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World cup predictions


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Nobody that hasn't yet lost his marbles is at war because of football.

To be true, there was a "Football War", it was between Honduras and El-Salvador in 1969.

It was a short one only lasting 100 hours.

It was more because political tensions between the two countries that explodes because the games results and exploits of it by both sides.


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Today begins the quarter-finals. I'll be all for Brazil of course, after all it's my country, still I'm aware Netherlands is one the selections with real chances to stop it. Actually I like the Netherlands play-style albeit the "syndrome" that has been plaguing the football since 1970 is pandemic and endemic yet.


Those incredible Brazilian selections that enchanted us and the world in 1958, 62 and 70 we never managed to get again. OK, Brazil took the title 2 times again in the meantime but was never a selection we Brazilians were particularly enjoyed and pleased to see in camp, they were a pale ghost, almost a treason to Brazilian play-style.


Comparing with the 1970 selection, long before almost all players in it actually plays far away from Brazil and I'm not so sure were the loyalties are, the afterward selections are just dull, to a point I lost my interest on football as a whole but a little interest in the world cup... and even that is being mined, does not matter if Brazil won or lose , it has been doing both the dully way possible.


Still and sadly it is a syndrome that affects all teams in the whole world as already said. All the while football (as some others sports too) became more and more a business it became less and less a spectacle, it became boring.


I want to keep the hopes high. ARG x GER promises being one the fiercest and adrenalin boosting games, easily one that could be expected for a final. The same for NED x BRA, sadly both times will play severely lacking key players. For Brazil is the whole mid field, I'm almost curious to see how Dunga will deal with that (actually I hope this can force the players to move in camp).


There is no ease game from now on, still PAR x ESP smells a bit favoring for the last and URU x GHA is a total incognito to me.


well, GO BRAZIL, you may be not so shinny to me anymore but still is what we have.

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http://www.ztilbruch.de/SMILIES/Cheerleader.gif Hup Holland Hup - we laten de leeuw niet in zijn hempie staan !!! http://www.ztilbruch.de/SMILIES/Cheerleader.gif




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GOAL! Brazil leads with 1 goal. Seems like holland will lose..


1:2 - Brazil shredded by Holland !





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GOAL! Brazil leads with 1 goal. Seems like holland will lose..


1:2 - Brazil shredded by Holland !





A well deserved victory , you have my cheer from now on Holland.

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That'd be great, nosisab :thumbsup:

What we've seen is probably called "the triumph of will"... of David vs Goliath in football :woot:



http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif patriots have more fun... at least ever and anon *lol*

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What we've seen is probably called "the triumph of will"... of David vs Goliath in football :woot:


I disagree, Holland it's a great team, the media here in Brazil called the Holland team sometimes of the "Brazilian of Europe" for their great abilities in camp and finally Brazil is out of the cup so we can back to normality. Thanks Holland.

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What we've seen is probably called "the triumph of will"... of David vs Goliath in football :woot:


I disagree, Holland it's a great team, the media here in Brazil called the Holland team sometimes of the "Brazilian of Europe" for their great abilities in camp and finally Brazil is out of the cup so we can back to normality. Thanks Holland.


Actually "the big mouth" of the Brazilians in the forefront of the cup was meant, the Goliath in them, their medial expectations, not the Dutch ability to fight, You see - David was already feared as slinger before he killed the swordsman Goliath :woot:


Normality is hardly possible in a cup, cos we'll never know the outcome before the very end.

And that's the bitter lesson for Brazil: Don't count your chickens before they're hatched!



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