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glitchrage: a gallery of gaming gone wrong


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lets face it, as gamers glitches are a part of life, we wish they weren't but like herpes, bus lanes, neighbours and having to go to work, we just have to put up with the bastages, but that doesnt mean we cant rage about them in the company of total strangers on the interwebs!


For me, as an RTS nut, my stupidest glitches mostly figure into pathfinding errors, but for me, #1 was a patch about 2 years ago for farcry 2, what it did, Im not sure, but it corrupted the data in my install and on my install disc, meaning I wasted 130 aud for what was essentialy an africa themed graphical glitch gallery, the problem was as soon as I booted after the official Ubi patch, the game took years to load, and had titanic graphical errors, namely all the textures were stretched, torn, or simply missing, cars and guns worked as normaly, though control response stuttered, and weapons rarely hit, even with a self confessed obsessed sniper firing em, no further patch solved this, ubisoft wouldn't answer my help n support call and thus I had to throw a $133 collector's edition FC in the rubbish.


Other than that I can remember getting rather angry with relic for their ridiculous "expansion" for dawn of war 2, DOW 2 was a great game, but with the expansion, one race, called the eldar, from the begining had a stratergy most online players employ with which a certain eldar melee unit, available from the begining, could be mass produced and used for zerg rushes, even though it was elite heavy infantry, it got to the point that 9/10 games were simply banshee rush and vs banshee rush, and rather than fix that in the expansion as really they should, relic instead made them slightly more effective and added a ranged equivalent for that same faction,worse, the ironicaly named trueskill used in ranks, does nothing to prevent unfair matches, often asigning all the high rankers to one team and the noobs to another, basicaly making it impossible to ever win a ranked game, even with the best players, as you'll always only get a good team if you have a high enough rank.


Lastly, a few of the people on this forum will know Im a passionate hater of mass effect, one of the reasons for that is that the moment the final alien traitor boss fell, the game CTD'ed and I never saw the ending, past the fact that "my" character survived a bolide and was then swarmed by journos, that was all I saw, because the game, on xbox 360 broke, and never ran past that, it was a brand new disc too, and the machine was barely a week old. I was sufficiently angered by the fact that not only had the game completely failed to live up to hype, or even some basic rpg standards, but that I wouldnt even be able to trade it for something better.


Thats my bottom three, but what are some of your horror stories?

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Buying GTA4, spending twelve hours installing it and getting the DRM to cooperate, then the game looks something like this, with every 5th model loading.


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I bought a cheep looking game with the $5 that I found on my floor in Harvey Norman, brought it back home, installed it, ran it and it then glitched up and it broke my CD drive on my old computer.
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Tomb Raider has it's share...getting stuck in between a pillar and a wall...ugh all the time.


Reminds me of that Superman 64.

I think I just shuddered.

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Buying Modern Warfare: Reflex for the Wii: $40

Batteries for the Wii remotes: $2

Friend to play it with me: $10

Annoyance that their "Co-op" is just a second pointer: +3 to blood pressure

Campaign finished in 6 hours and there's no online play: $20 worth of smashed scenery

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if you are enjoying the game for more than 3 hours and don't save......... some little glitch will happen and you die or get stuck or crash ect and lose everthing!!!....... i hate that......... lol ugh
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