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Happy Birthday, LHammonds!!


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Happy birthday, what did you get looking after the kids?! :teehee: well make some time to have a little fun dude :sweat:
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A little late, but here it goes... Happy birthday you old fart!



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Oh lawd, i didn't know it was his Birthday, I was at download festival, well anyway, Happy Birthday Man!!


L Hammonds is thee best, he's my tutor you see :thumbsup:

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Thanks everyone.


There was no cake. It was a lie. (for those not in the know, I'm referencing a game called Portal) So in essence, you all got the same great tasting cake I did...air. :tongue:


My wife had food poisoning (we think) on Friday so she was in bed sick all day Saturday. :sick: I got to take care of her and the kiddos. Although, the only thing I really did for her was to bring her glasses of ice and sprite and remind her to sip a little now and again until she could keep it down. My oldest son (6 yrs old) had his tonsils and adenoids surgically removed so he has been on a liquid diet for a few days now. Pretty-much a low-point of our parenting career so far. Hate seeing the little fella in so much pain.


Sounds like a horrible birthday from the outside but actually it was a fun play day for me...even got a little further into Red Dead Redemption while the kids were napping (just joined the Mexican Revolution!). Kinda rare that I get to play with the kids all weekend and do pretty-much nothing else. I couldn't go outside to shred the fields, level dirt and other outside chores. Although I will have to do that stuff at night throughout this week to catch up on my work. :yucky: My youngest son (3 yrs old) looked at me this morning when I put on my boots and immediately knew I was leaving and said with sad puppy-dog eyes "ga ga, no work"


alex2avs, was that an actual cake? That would have been one of the coolest cakes ever! My wife can make all kinds of awesome fun cakes but obviously, it wasn't gonna happen this time. She did take me out to lunch today (I picked McAlister's Deli). I traditionally have pizza but completely forgot about it. It was just another day to me.


For those wanting some cake, here is some awesome money cake for you!



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