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waaagh! your favorite battle in gaming


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Two of my favs that I can think of off the top of my head come from Saints Row 2: the shootout and later cutscene fight with Maero in the warehouse, and the climax of the final Ultor mission. I swear they could make a pretty decent action movie by stitching together some of the fights and cutscenes.


Left 4 Dead: pretty much the entire game, but one particularly epic fight I had while playing with a friend was on the level where you escape on a boat, and have to defend a house until the boat shows up.


Fallout 3 - when Blaze went to GNR, in a moment of desperation after the behemoth showed up, she grabbed the Fat Man and lobbed a mininuke at him at damn near point-blank range, resulting in a nice VATS screenshot and a mess of dead mutants and Brotherhood. Blaze looked around at the dead Brotherhood guys and was like, "Did I do that?" :sweat:


In WoW (ugh, back when I used to play it) I loved Scarlet Monastery, Van Cleef, and even Gnomer which most people hated. The higher level stuff, not so much. Donno why. My best memories of that game are all from the low/mid-level stuff.


And now I'm gonna go a little old skool...


The CyberDemon in DOOM. :biggrin:


Rescuing the Emperor in TIE Fighter.


There were a few missions in Syndicate I did over and over (Colorado was one for fun with explosives IIRC, and then there was one with a battle royale type situation, with several syndicates vying for the territory) for the lulz and to see how many different ways I could win (or lose :tongue:) them.

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Evilneko: The reason that the early WoW instances were more fun is because that's where the designers concentrated on making the encounters fun, rather than hard. Also early in the game you don't realize you're doing the same thing over again for hundreds of hours.


Dr. Steinem from Bioshock, anyone? It was more the introduction and all that made it really interesting, rather than the short fight.


Also, the Witch King from Battle for Middle Earth II, Nine-Toes in Borderlands, and the Intellect Devourer in Neverwinter Nights.

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I love big battles where the player can join in, so in no particular order:

Zone of the Enders 2 - the part where you need to destroy hundreds of mechs and save your comrades at the same time... epic!

Ace Combat 5 - Razgriz vs. Belkan Aces

Kingdom Hearts 2 - final boss battles'... my sister played it, I got (forced) to finish it. I enjoyed it though.

???? 2: Crimson Butterfly - sorry, I forgot the title. A japanese ghost/horror game my girlfriend plays, I'm the mandatory boss slayer. The game freaks me out!



I belive you are talking about Fatal Frame II

Ah yes! Fatal Frame 2, correct! I remember a basement in the game with a partially covered well, we thought "ah dead ringer, Sadako's gonna crawl outta there slowy. Didn't come out until our 3rd pass on that area, and it wasn't a crawl, It was Sadako on speed!!! hehe

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Another one I'll add is one I played this very day:


Its the battle with the Honour Guard in Dawn Of War II


You get sent into a stronghold of your own men to kill a traitor and expose a conspiracy that would destroy the Space Marine chapter you fight for, but it wouldnt have made a half bad movie, if you play it via the "Righteous"then its a very challenging mission, the traitor is protected by your own men, killing them can fail the mission if you arent a heretic, you have to stealth your way in and sabotage the enemy defence phase lines and force them back, then you get a choice of two traitors, If you follow the original mission objectives and intel you'll actualy execute an innocent man, if you take the out-of-the-way side route, you meet the half insane traitor, have a really good mini-boss fight, kill him and he regains his sanity and tells you who the real traitors and loyalists are, as far I know, it can have up to 5 diferent endings depending on how good or evil you are, which actualy effect the general feel of the game: kill the traitor and only the traitor and his commander will beleive your story and let you go free, kill the commander, diomedes, and you'll think you've gotten the traitors, only having executed an innocent man leaving the traitor free to operate, or, you could just go beserk and slaughter the lot of them, but that would make you "Heretical" and that has disadnatages this late in the campaign, in short, one of the finest abttle Ive fought in quite a while.

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