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CTD if mod not enabled


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I'm having quite a problem where if I don't install AND activate a certain mod (Realistic needs and diseases, RND), Skyrim will just CTD, no matter what I do


Now, I'm an avid modder and I really liked using RND, until it bugged out for some reason, showing nothing but blank page in MCM options menu (it was still registered as a standalone mod). In addition, i think the sleep option is bugged since my character never seems to get tired, yet my status effects page indicates I have slight tiredness (no stat penalties). I really would like to replace RND but with my knowledge, it seems impossible


Any tips would be appreciated


I have up-to-date SKSE, SkyUi, NMM and I recently validated my files via Steam (no results). 250 hours put into game and this is the first time this is happening

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Sounds like you have another mod that requires RND, so when you remove RND you're missing a master, hence the CTD.

I know such conflict is possible, hence I tried disabling mods that might conflict


I still have to see if the problem persists even if I have all of the mods disabled


EDIT: ugh, I really would like to avoid overcomplicated things like TESV5 edit :pinch:

Edited by Snaggel
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Do you have a bashed patch? Or some other variety of merged patch? If so, did you rebuild it after removing RND? (else, it would still be dependent on it, and you get the missing master crash you are seeing.)

No, I do not use Wrye Bash (should I?) so I do not have merged patches, as far as I know

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Poor Tes5Edit, why people don't like you? :'(

On topic: if you load Wrye Bash it'll show you which plugins are missing masters, so it seems worth a try.

Okay, any idea how to check missing masters/create repairing "patches"


I just downloaded Wrye and I am completely lost

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Load Wrye Bash and go to the Mods tab. Mods have a "box" (sorry, can't remember the right term ><) near them. Green = all masters present and in right order. Orange = all masters present but in a different order. Red = at least one master file is missing, if this mod is checked game will crash at startup.

Edited by JasmineMcCoy
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Tracked faulty plugins, disabled them and now I can launch Skyrim without RND. I am not trusting it so I am completely uninstalling it and using alternative mod (iNeed is looking promising)

I'll look for some newbie friendly guides around the interwebz to see what Wrye can actually do and how to effectively use it without screwing up your saves/installation


Also, since I am also a newbie to Nexus, could someone tell me how to close this thread? Or if a mod sees this, lock it for me.

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