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How Many Oblivion Characters?


How Many Oblivion Characters or Restarts?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. How Many Different Unique Characters?

    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five
    • More Than Five
  2. 2. Restarts of the Same or a Very Similar Craracter?

    • Never
    • Once
    • Two to Five
    • Five to Ten
    • Ten to Twenty
    • I lost track - Too many to count

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Okay be honest. Do you stick with your first character till the bitter end? Are you playing with several unique characters at the same time? Have you restarted your character several times to get him/her just right. Inquiring minds want to know.
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I approached the first game as if I were playing Morrowind and levelled up so fast the only way I could win was by re-setting the difficulty slider. I have since started about three more games each looking at different things - exploration, questing, main quest etc. In my current game I am trying to do everything (without guide book or map which takes time). I have yet to complete (ever) tha last five Daedric quests and several of the master trainer quests. I have now visited every non-quest site at least once. I have set my most commonly used skills as minors which means I level slowly (just reached level 14) so I am better equipped to handle the opposition but it has the downside effect of reducing the possibility of applying the multiplier on levelling. I still have all faction quests to complete and the main and Dark Brotherhood quests to start (in this game I have played them in others). With 6 daedric, vampiric, 3 miscellaneous and 12 Master trainers still to do it will be a while yet.


After this I will play part of a game designed only to see what quest sites are accessible outside quests and a last one to see what I can do (if anything) with the difficulty slider at maximum.

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I've made a total of four characters now, mainly because I couldn't settle on a build I liked at first. :P My first character didn't have restoration or armourer and was born under the Atronach which is severely more nerfing with magic in OB than Morrowind as I soon found out. So yeah, he went down the tubes. Then I tried stealth and pure magic, neither of which even made it to level 30.


Soo... ended up making my latest character, a sort of re-done version of my first with restoration and armourer this time, who seems to be working out pretty good. Though I'm still not convinced I won't become dissatisfied in some way and make yet another. ^^;

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Have only had the one char so far, and I think I restarted her once, for some reason. I do remember that I was going to make a custom class using spears and medium armor, but that plan went out the window....


Just beat the main quest, and am going to run around doing whatever I feel like finishing up with, and when I finish part one of a mod I'm working on, going to make a new one using that.

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At first I made jimmy the assassin then glartlin the hunter then johnny the mage then sam the gladiator then joanne another hunter and finnaly the one i'm playing as now Jimmy2.0 the better assassin ;D ; :glare:
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I made a Dark Elf and played for 18 hours, eventually discovering that he was magically crippled, I restarted with a High Elf and things went fine for 30 hours until I ran into a massive, irreversible, crippling bug caused by the soul reaver sword mod. OK it was half my fault for not making a backup. I'm now 28 hours in on Angelus III, Vampire Lord.
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My first character, Imperial Bard, who is a good girl is at level 32. My second, a Breton Battlemage is going to be a bad girl, she is only level 2 and still searching for her fortune.


Then I made a Nord male to see what the armour and clothes look like on a guy, and he's barely out of prison. :unsure:


Oh I do start a new game every now and again just to see the intro...

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I make different characters all the time and try to mix up their skills and abilities to make them unique. I also, however, find it difficult to level up. Sure, I have a level seven thief/assassin character, but I don't exactly know HOW you level up. I'm used to games that use experience bars that level you up once filled. I also use Diamok's Giant Races mod. It's cool, being twice the size of everything else except for imps and scamps, which I'm 5x the size of. Although it can be annoying in caves and buildings. Also you get tired of having to crane your neck down to look at who you're talking to, and it IS kind of unrealistic, being this huge twelve foot tall guy and nobody ever notices that. I'm rambling and off topic. I don't know how to level up. I'm lazy and don't want to read the manual. I like shooting people in the head. Blah blah blah blah blah blah.
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I'm still playing with the character I started on day one. He has a balance of combat, magic, and stealth and just reached level 29. I guess I'm slower than a lot of you. :)


I seem to play for hours on some days without doing any quests. Yesterday in Cyrodiil, I just wandered along the Gold Road east of Kvatch. I left the refugee camp in the morning and travelled with a patrolling guard. The guards ride along at just the right speed to let an alchemist on foot venture a ways off the road on both sides to gather plants. It was very pleasant and I stopped to talk with the guard occasionally. The scenery was beautiful.


I finally left the road and the friendly guard to go south. I wanted to see the river Strid and the border of Valenwood. The land slopes down sharply on both sides on the river and I hit the invisible barrier before reaching the river. I had a good view of the northern marches of Valenwood though up on the opposite slopes.


I climbed back up the hill to the north east. It was dusk now and I was hoping to find a camp along the Gold road west of Skingrad. When I reached the road, there was the friendly guard's horse being attacked by a Minotaur Lord! I drew Umbra and slashed the monster across the back. We fought back and forth there in the road until the minotaur crashed to the dust.


I healed the wounded horse and looked around for the guard. The night was dark now and I couldn't find him. Oh well, there wasn't anything I could do for him now anyway. He's laying dead in the bushes somewhere along the road. The horse will find it's own way home.


There was a camp a little ways further down the road. A lone bandit was foolish enough to contest my presence there. He fell more easily than the minotaur had. I repaired my weapons and armor and spent the night in that camp. Another good day in Cyrodiil. :closedeyes:

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