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Mod Organizer "Deleted" the Mods I Downloaded within the Past 24 Hours...


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Maybe they just disappeared with the disappearance of the program... Anyways:


I'm new to the PC world, which explains why when modding my Skyrim, I jumped from Steam to Nexus Mod Manager to Mod Organizer (with LOOT and BOSS). Yes noobish I know. Anyways yesterday--after 5 days of learning in many hard ways--I was up to 150 mods. Turns out I wasn't running them all (I didn't install some right in MO). Anyways earlier today--after downloading about 6 big mods--the last 25 or so I had downloaded (all straight from this website to MO) disappeared along with the MO program! It happened around when I was testing which mod was giving me trouble and crashing me (I solved that problem; it was 2 conflicting graphical mods).


I looked for my immerse creature mod and interesting NPCs mod and the 20-something other lost mods AFTER re-loading MO from its zip file, but they were gone. I think this could be because I had made my own profile and now that profile was gone. Anyways, I have since re-downloaded and properly installed the lost mods under the default profile in MO. Will this happen again? Has this happened to anyone else?


I know I'm still very inept at all this, so any help would be appreciated.

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AFTER 4 HOURS of deleting steam mods and replacing them with MO ones, it deleted itself again... ;_;


Okay so I'm really not tech-savvy but I could probably give you a couple POSSIBLE ideas as to why that happened again...


My most likely reason is that when I extract mod organizer from the zip file, I just run the modorganizer.exe within the zip file. I don't believe I extracted it anywhere. So when it wants to run, I think it says it places itself in C/Users/Me/AppData/Local/Temp


Could it be that it's placing itself in a temp folder then deleting itself after a few days?


LOOT actually was "changed or moved" when I tried to open it now too. Both did this, and MO has done it twice.


With this said, I am also not extracting any of the other files anywhere. These include python.zip, hook.dll, proxy.dll, etc. I guess I probably wasn't following instructions. But I'm deathly afraid to use all my precious free time again just to be screwed over.


This said, I have 2 other ideas if that's not it.


One, it may be because Nexus Mod Manager is downloaded and open even if it wasn't doing anything.


Another reason may be all my desperate attempts to install community uncapper. I modified the ini file and copied it to many folders since there were so many "data," and skse folders in my skyrim folder. :/

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