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Valve, you're pathetic.


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Im still not impressed and my dislike is not tempered. Because my copy of left 4 dead 2 didjnt arrive and that post then Terminator is the first apolgy I've gotten. But Im not going to take this any further, they've apologised to those they think they're wronged, they've pissed me the hell off, and now Im just going to be a man and walk away.


They arent worth my time, business, or money, and they can go rot in hell for the trouble they've caused me.

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Im still not impressed and my dislike is not tempered. Because my copy of left 4 dead 2 didjnt arrive and that post then Terminator is the first apolgy I've gotten. But Im not going to take this any further, they've apologised to those they think they're wronged, they've pissed me the hell off, and now Im just going to be a man and walk away.


They arent worth my time, business, or money, and they can go rot in hell for the trouble they've caused me.


I'm not going to argue with you V, because based on your situation, I don't blame you. Now I personally love Valve, they're my favorite gaming company; the only problem I have with them is how long they take to release a game. I'm not going to swaer to you, or insult you, or anything like that because I agree with you that what happened to you is unfair, and I support the fact that although I care deeply for them, Valve has its flaws.

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The reason I love Steam is because it creates an excellent platform for indie games to be sold, and most of the games, AAA as well as Indie, go for excellent prices shortly after release. It also serves a greater purpose in ensuring you can't lose any games, because once it's tied to your account, you can more or less throw any disk version you have in the bin.
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Well Blizzard make a point of saying "we'll sell it when its ready" and USUALY they do. I cant help but wonder though, what in the universe could be pushing valve back so far. I mean, StarCraft got its sequal more than a full decade after the original. But having played the game it really good not possibly have taken them that long to make it. Sure, its a superb RTS, and its very well thought out, but it also has some pretty major timesaving exercises showing in very visible places-like the animation, which is mostly taken whole and unmodified from Comand And Conquer 3 and World Of Warcraft.


Portal though... I cant really understand why they would need so much time for such a simple project. Portal was never a very complicated game. Making a portal in reality is very complicated, but in a video game it is the work of a few scripts and a sprite or two-hell I've made a portal spell for a oblivion for gods sake and you know what a rubbish modder I am!


Maybe they're just putting all their resources into something else for the time being, maybe portal II is just drasticaly underfunded, maybe Gabe Newel is an idiot-I dont know, but something has had to have happened to cause Valve of all people to be late.


But UberMan is right, I'm always happy and content to wait for a game. I had to wait years for a new WarHammer Dawn Of War game to come out on a new engine-but when it came out it was worth every second of those years.

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Valve's always been pushing back things. Gabe Newell probably uses an audio recording of Valve fans groaning as a lullaby.


You're right on how it shouldn't be taking so long, though. The main thing that'd drag back development time is the engine, and they've been reusing the same one for a long time anyways (Sure, but at least it's a good one).


However, when Valve does shove back release dates, they usually can blow you off your feet with the game. (Still waiting for Half-Life 3. At that much delay for an episode of a game, it had best be the chart topper for the next 5 years). Remember what happens when they don't delay? *CoughLeft4Dead2*



Blizzard has an excuse for their delays, though. They've got 11 million slavering bored trolls waiting to wreak havoc the moment they run out of things to do in WoW.

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They arent all that bad. I've met some really nice folks in SC II, and not all WoW guys are bad either, but you're right, if they just tossed out a glitchy lump of code that doesnt work without patches and called it Diablo 3 it would be carnage. And to be honest with you, I like that. Blizzard have a proverbial gun to their head: 11 million+ angry trollers waiting to pounce. But those trollers constant pressure ensures that a lot of Blizzard's stuff, may not wow, but a few of their games, ahve beenr eally special. I'll never forget just what it was like booting up Diablo and StarCraft for the first time, they are, for me, genre defining even now.


As for Valve, yeah, the HL engine is a good one, especialy if you're indoors. its very reliable, and it works just fine no matter how rough things get. But I really hope for their next few games they innovate and come up with a new engine. I tried Portal the other day, and it looked like a game half a decade older than it is on my HD. Sure, it ran fine, but the graphics are really getting old, especialy in the big open environments that were so common in previous episodes. And if it really is, like its forebears, a five hour episode, Im sure a lot of people will be mightily cross.

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They arent all that bad. I've met some really nice folks in SC II, and not all WoW guys are bad either, but you're right, if they just tossed out a glitchy lump of code that doesnt work without patches and called it Diablo 3 it would be carnage. And to be honest with you, I like that. Blizzard have a proverbial gun to their head: 11 million+ angry trollers waiting to pounce. But those trollers constant pressure ensures that a lot of Blizzard's stuff, may not wow, but a few of their games, ahve beenr eally special. I'll never forget just what it was like booting up Diablo and StarCraft for the first time, they are, for me, genre defining even now.


As for Valve, yeah, the HL engine is a good one, especialy if you're indoors. its very reliable, and it works just fine no matter how rough things get. But I really hope for their next few games they innovate and come up with a new engine. I tried Portal the other day, and it looked like a game half a decade older than it is on my HD. Sure, it ran fine, but the graphics are really getting old, especialy in the big open environments that were so common in previous episodes. And if it really is, like its forebears, a five hour episode, Im sure a lot of people will be mightily cross.


Valve is known for their procrastination, we all know this. But taking so long on Portal for other than this reason alone really doesn't surprise me although I am upset. Portal 2 must be a hell of a lot more fun, expansive, long, and exciting if it's taking this long to come out. Of course it would come out earlier if they didn't focuse their damn attention on the PS3 version so abruptly. Just saying... :dry: >:( :down: :rolleyes:

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