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part of my mesh is inside-out


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So I've made a knife mesh using Blender, but when I look at it in nifskope, or in-game, the handle of the knife is fine, but the blade is 'inside-out' :S I tried setting the BSLightingShaderProperty under shader flags 2 to 'double sided' and that makes it appear right, but the whole blade is in shadow as it's like it's inside-out, and the light is reflecting off the inside of the mesh that you can't see, instead of the outside. I can't flip the faces in nifskope either as that turns the handle inside out. I even tried creating just the blade again in Blender as I thought maybe I'd accidently done something weird, but I had the same problem? :/ Basically I'm wondering if in Blender there's a way for you to like, 'flip the faces' of a mesh. Because I can't do it using nifskope as it flips the entire knife, and I only want to flip the blade. Anyway, hope that made sense.. tell me if you need more information, I'm not sure I explained it well. Hope someone can help me with this. Thanks in advance! :)

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Hi thanks for trying to help :) Though I'd already tried that and it didn't work, as only the blade of the knife was wrong, and doing that messed up the handle instead. But, no worries, I've fixed it now :) Incase anyone else has a similar problem, what I did was go into Blender and select just the blade part of the mesh and went into normals in edit mode and clicked 'recalculate outside'. Though I can't actually take the credit for figuring it out myself, another modded called Tamira helped me out :)

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