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Ashurs armor mod, invisible textures, red squares.

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I've been trying to download a mod that changes ashurs power armor now for a week, it seems anything I download that affects ashur's armor, there is bound to be invisible textures or big red squares with these: !.


How do I fix this? Here's the mod I'm currently trying to get to work: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10494


My load order is this (I have no idea how load orders work):




C96 Mauser.esp


All Anchorage Armors Usable.esp


AshurT51b.esp <--- (The one I'm trying to get to work)


Abbreviated Effects.esm








What happens is, when I go into haven I see ashur, his armor is invisible, all but his head, gloves, and a small fraction of the armor (tubes running from the head to the back).


Then I go and get the helmet and I'm engulfed with a giant red square and missing my head.


I tried searching for solutions, but I can't seem to get anything to work right. The only mods that I have this sort of trouble with are the ones that affect the pitt.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I have been getting the box with ! with a few mods aswell..but i have validated...can be missing files..i loaded asf mod and currently having this issue..loaded the kelsy companion and had the issue but removed the files and reinstalled..seemed to have fixed it.
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When the big red exclamation mark appears, it means the game can't find the specified meshes. Make sure you installed the mod properly. Get FOMM and toggle invalidation with it a few times to be sure, as well.


With regard to load order, it is generally wise to put master files (.esm) ahead of plug-ins (.esp). Note that the further down the order an esp/esm is, the last it will be loaded. So if two mods affect the same thing in the game, the one loaded last will take priority.


From your list, it's probably incorrectly installed meshes.

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