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Today I had an exam which decided if I either have to repeat the class or not. I had one last week in another subject too and I passed it. And I also passed the final exam today. So I'm allowed to go to the 3rd of 5 classes.


Right now I feel like the happiest guy in the world :D

Now I can also concentrate on modding and if I get a little help here and there I can release my first final mod soon here ;D


Sooo...BIG PARTY at the nexus!


Grab a beer and let's have fun!

(There's also non-alcoholic beer for the younger members :thumbsup:)


Oh, and if you are in a state called austria and you are in a ghost town in the middle of nowhere, you will see a white house. Go into this house and we are going to have a real-life beer ;)

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Fly's over, buys a keg of beer and sneaks over to MHM's house :P


psst its none alcoholic, or is it :ninja:




Wish full dreaming anyways, stuck here in Ontario Canada...

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Ohh congratulations!! :D

I'm so happy for you! ^_^

I don't really drink any kidns of beer though x3

Guess I'm not welcome :'P

Well, you have lotsa fun! ^.^


Ohh and keep studying like that! :D

Good job!

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L33Nexus crashes through mhm's house in his car (:S can't wait till I'm old enough to actually drive the thing)

"Hey Heeeeey the party has arrived :P"


Gets Birrii, some spirits Smirnoff Ice maybe? apple teeny? or lemonade :P :L



Or maybe an apple to throw at her poor innocent little sister... AGAIN! :-{P



anyway after rambles, Congratulations dude, nice going on passing the test 8-D


I'm from Sheffield UK, the nightlife is pretty insane up here :thumbsup:



Best of luck on other exams mate ;)

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Congrats dude! :biggrin: Come on over to Wisconsin, we got lots of beer! :tongue: Don't drink Miller Light though..it tastes like water! haha
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Kinda late to leave school if you ask me, as the summer solstice has already arrived, though, you don't live in the US, so it's likely normal for you. Anyway, congratulations on passing your exams, and good luck on the coming year, given if this wasn't your last school year.
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