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Elder Scrolls Display


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Me and RussianRanger have been working on a new version of Tel Nalta for several months now, but one of the things we still need to tackle is the use of the Black Books and Elder Scrolls displays.

We have the display working just fine, but the issue are the actual quest items.

Basically from what we understand is that these items are quest items and they cannot be put into those displays or otherwise any quests that still requires those items will get broken (the game does not recognize those quest items anymore once they leave the players inventory).

So to avoid this we set up a system where those displays can only be activated once several quests have been completed.

For the Black Books this is pretty strait forward since its pretty much one quest per black book, and that quest line where you need to kill Miraak.

But for the Elder Scrolls its a complete guessing game since they are used in so many quests.


Could anyone please help us out in providing more information on which quests are the ones that we need to add before those displays can become active, or perhaps you have a different approach to avoid getting broken quests with these displays?


Also if you know some modders that accomplished this without issues please tell me their names so I can PM them.

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Hi Ac3s,


I don't have the answer but I've been working on black book and elder scroll displays myself. So I'll be following this thread :)


It's especially tricky for me as I haven't got that far in the game yet so have not done any of the quests.


I just assumed that as long as I made the displays in a way that would let the player take the items back then it would just be up to them to make sure they had the items with them when doing the related quests. Sounds like it's not that simple though if removing the items in the first place is enough to break the quest completely.

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mrpdean, I've send several other authors information about this, and they usually don't implement "conditions" like I have in my screenshot and just allow players to place those elders scrolls and black books in those displays whenever they want to, but in order to do so they need to use another mod that allows you to drop quest items in the first place.

Its basically the players choice if they want to use those displays, and its the players responsibility if he breaks quests or not.

And then I had another author stating that not all quest items necessarily break quests when they leave the inventory.


It's all really confusing for me, but I believe I have implemented the most important quests that need to be completed before the player can build my displays in my own mod, I just hope Its going to work out like I intend.

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