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Help Getting ENBoost to Work


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I recommend to set the memory section of the enblocal like this:



ReservedMemorySizeMb=256 (or 512 once the game is running stable)
VideoMemorySizeMb=2048 (I do not recommend the formula given by camaro because after all I have learned this formula is for stronger video cards. So you should insert here your actual video memory size and that's in your case 2048)


@camaro: The formula you have given is only for 64bit systems. Did he mention anywhere that he has such a system? Or why did you recommend this formula with the word "safely"?

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@camaro: The formula you have given is only for 64bit systems. Did he mention anywhere that he has such a system? Or why did you recommend this formula with the word "safely"?



GPU: GeForce GTX 760

CPU: AMD FX™-8350 Eight-Core Processor

Memory: 8.00 GB RAM (7.97 GB usable) <<<<<no possible way this can be a 32 bit System. :smile:

Driver Version: 344.11

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1

Motherboard: Gigabyte 970A-DS3P AMD AM3+


With that in mind i Recommended the settings that Boris has explained* many times before. Safe is just referring to the -2048 (subtracting 2 gb of RAM so the system can never run out of RAM.) And it IS safe i have been using this formula for over half a year!

**Quote From the creator of ENB, Boris.



Graphic mod / patch ENBSeries 0.209
This version based on 0.207, but added VideoMemorySizeMb variable instead of automatic detection, so everybody with performance issues, freezing and stuttering, tweak it properly and don't bother me without reason, all bugs are on your side. This parameter mean how much memory used as vram for my memory manager, if very low, then frequent reallocations will happen, so lower performance, but more stable against not loading saved games (DisablePreloadToVRAM too). Value above size of physical video memory is allowed, but you have risk to get errors because of drivers and other software (but this must not happen if system is clean and user is smart), useful to try for 64-bit systems with more than 4 gb system memory installed and not much vram, performance must be better. Don't set it bigger than VRAM+RAM-2048. This value do not add any memory usage to the game process (but ReservedMemorySizeMb do).



So what if anything should i change??

Edited by camaro_69_327
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Try with no mods at all on a clean BOOT...if no GO ..i am totally out of Ideas...Normally it is something running that has an Overlay. Take a pic of your Skyrim Folder.

Make sure any Anti virus is not running to test.

you are logged in as admin....by the way Where is Skyrim installed?...UAC folder?


@ Novem99...lol no problem..the OP certainly has stronger GPU then I do..(580) and i use those settings. Well they are about tied ..Lol>http://www.hwcompare.com/14828/geforce-gtx-580-3gb-vs-geforce-gtx-760/

Edited by camaro_69_327
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Tried the clean BOOT with no mods except Enboost, I still CTD. Same with anti-virus turned off. The only thing I've got with an overlay is Steam, and I tried disabling that. I'm the admin, and logged in as such.


Here's my filepath for Skyrim: D:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim


Here's a screenshot of my Skyrim folder:


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OK i am at a loss....only thing i see is ....


d3dx9_42.dll <<<was that to do with SSME or Safety load ?...could be interfering....I do not have this file.

SSME.ini <<<not needed use the SKSE.ini instead. (see link in my SIG)


anyone else?


Look in your MYdocs\ SKSE folder.....read the LOG->"skse_steam_loader.log" compare to when you load with , NO ENB , then with ENB. When you get SKSE.ini correct you will see this at the end of that file...

dll = E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\skse_1_9_32.dll
old winmain = 0069D1D0
runtime root = E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\
config path = E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\skse.ini <<<SKSE doing its thing
overriding memory pool sizes
default heap = 768MB (effective 512MB if not preloading animations) <<<Memory Block 1
scrap heap = 256MB <<<<Memory Block 2
OnHook: thread = 212
calling winmain

then even if you never get ENBboost working, you still wont need the SSME files.
IS that "D:\Program Files" a System drive? and this is nothing more then a UAC problem?
EDIT:...not being a smart ass , could you get your Hubby (Zerith) to sit down and get ENB working on your computer?. AS he has it working on his?....i recall the thread on scars...lol :) Did he ever get them working 100%?
or are we being trolled?:) <<<joking!
Edited by camaro_69_327
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Not sure what UAC means, sorry. Explain a bit more? And no, D:\Program Files is my secondary drive, where I install all my games to and Steam itself.


I'd read SSME was compatible with ENBoost, but I suppose that may have changed. I'll give it a try and see what happens.


And ha, no, no trolling! Zerith's had a look already and he can't figure it out either. He never did get the scars completely right, but he has far less patience than I do for troubleshooting so I think he's just trying to ignore them.

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UAC = User Account Control


Microsoft is protecting the user from themselves. IT does not like files to write to the protected folders. But since that is not a system drive should not be protected.


BUT i like to call it....UAC = User Actually Cant


Old video...but ya never know...

Edited by camaro_69_327
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Tried removing SSME but unfortunately it didn't make a difference. I'm using the SKSE Memory Patch now though, and it seems to be working. I tried removing Safety Load but that didn't help either.


Enboost just hates me. Maybe I insulted it accidentally and it's just getting back at me.


I've actually seen that video already. Was part of my initial attempt at fixing it before coming here.

Edited by fragmentedbeauty
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